Alpha Loren

Chapter 37 The Bastard Named Max

Chapter 37 The Bastard Named Max

November 2nd

Maria's face turned a ghostly shade of white and she brought the phone down with one shaky hand

and stared down at Leo's phone.

"Sherbet Lemon," She whispered back to herself.

"Maria what does it mean?" Rosa said taking Maria's shaking hands.

"Leo, you need to go to Ayas immediately," Maria said.

"What why?" Rosa asked. "What's wrong, my dear?"

"Sherbet Lemon. It's a code word for help," Maria said. "We used to use it when we were little, whilst

playing games in the woods with the others."

At that point, Leo grabbed his car keys and turned to me.

"I'm sorry to leave you again," he said kissing my head. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

"It's fine," I replied kissing his cheek.

"And you should have this," he added handing me something I hadn't even seen in a long time, "I'll call


My phone.

I gladly took it and smiled.

"Go. Do what you need to do to help Lia."

He nodded before swiftly leaving.

"Never a quiet moment, huh?" Mateo said.

He then looked over to Rosa to see her noticeably fretty and worrying.

"Try not to worry Mom," he said wrapping an arm around her. "Leo will take care of this. Just as he

always does."

"You're right," she replied. "But just the thought of my little girl in's painful."

"I'll make coffee," I announced.

A few moments later Antonio came through the door with a confused expression.

"I just saw Leo leaving," he replied. "He said something's happened with Lia. He was in a rush and

didn't explain, could anyone care to enlighten me?"

"He's gone to rescue her from Haden," Maria said. "She's in trouble."

Antonio's face dropped, "Fucking hell. I fucking knew this would happen. Why did I let that fucking

bastard take her?"

He let out a low growl before marching out the door. Leo's car was still in the drive and we heard the

car door open, presumably as Antonio got in.

The car was soon speeding away and I got back to the coffee.

The rest of Leo's brothers and sisters tried their best to comfort their Mom for hours.

I took the time to check my phone after weeks of not having it. 54 text notifications and 29 missed


Half were from Connor and the rest were split between Abi, Charlotte, Paul and My Mom.

I replied to Abi and Charlotte and filled them in on everything. Connor, I decided not to tell about the

baby...yet, same with my Mom. And Paul I just completely and utterly ignored.

I then noticed that a host of new numbers had been added to my contacts including Leo, Blair, Luca,

Antonio, Rosa and Dr Amanda. Naturally, I had to text Luca about my baby news.

Watch out, bitch. I'm on my way.

Five minutes later as promised, Luca was at the door to Rosa and Antonio's house.

The second I opened it I was greeted by a crushing hug.

"I'm so fucking happy," he said swinging me around.

"And I can't fucking breathe!" I cried.

He instantly loosened his grip and instead began kissing me all over.

"Ew," I said wiping the slobber off me.

"You ground genitals with the Alpha...and I'm over the moon!"

I almost choked.


The things that come out of this boys mouth...

"I can't wait for you to push a screaming bundle of flesh out of your vagina either," he added hugging

me again.

"I literally can't with you sometimes," I said with a laugh.

"Am I allowed in? I brought cookies," he replied.

"No, piss off," I said. "Joking. You'll have to ask Rosa though. This is not my house."

"So long as you stop talking about genitals and vaginas!" Rosa called back.

"Your wish is my command, Ma'am," he announced with a salute before practically dancing into the


We spent the evening sat with Rosa on the sofa. She told me lots of information about being pregnant

and having kids, some stuff that really paled my face, as Luca listened with a weird amount of interest. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

"So you shit when you give birth?" Luca asked. "Like normal shit or...runny shit?"

"Ew!" I exclaimed. "Luca!"

"Usually normal but pretty sure with Leo it was-" she began

"I can't take any more of this," I announced. "Thank you for all the advice, Rosa. And thank you

Luca...for your contributions."

"Any time, babes," he replied.

"It's getting late, I'm off to bed. You're welcome to stay down here as long as you like but one of the

girls should have a spare toothbrush and some pyjamas when you need them, Ella."

I nodded and she left leaving just Luca and I.

"Ella?" he asked.


"Can we have a sleepover?"

"A sleepover?" I questioned.

"I feel obliged to sleep on the floor beside the pregnant Lady to watch over her in the absence of her

mate," he replied.

I stared blankly at him for a few seconds.

"I have never met someone quite as peculiar as you in all my life," I replied. "But if sleeping on the floor

next to me will fill your little heart with joy, you are very welcome to."

He pumped the air, "Omg, we can plait each other's hair and have a pillow fight. I've always wanted to

have a slumber party like that."

"Watch over me as I sleep my ass," I laughed. "The real motive behind your request has become


He giggled, "You got me. But I think this could become a beautiful friendship, Ells. I feel emotionally

connected with you."

"Okay..." I replied. "Let's go upstairs, weirdo."

Elena's room was the closest to the top of the stairs so on the way to the guest room, we stopped there

in the hope of finding some toothbrushes and pyjamas.

I knocked on the door and was greeted not by Elena but by Bella. As it turned out all the Loren sister's

were in there anyway (minus Lia of course).

"Sooooo," Bella said. "You're pregnant!"

"Yeah!" I said.

"When did you...I mean....when did you and Leo....I mean-" Elena said screwing up her nose at the

thought of her older brother doing such a thing.

"When did he knock you up?" Luca said outright.

"About a week ago," I answered with a laugh as the girls grimaced.

"That's not a thought of our brother I really want in my head. Thanks, Elena and Luca," Lisa said


"He's 23 now remember. A big boy...Ella would know that," Maria said before they all collapsed into fits

of laughter.

"Maria you are meant to be the mature one," Bella said to her oldest sister. "That's the sort of thing

Luca would say."

She then looked at Luca and smiled a pretty smile. He smiled back and there was a moment of silence

in the room as us spectators exchanged looks.

"How can we help?" Bella asked interrupting whatever the fuck that was.

"Of course, Leo is away so I'm staying the night and Luca has strangely decided to sleep on the floor.

Your Mom said you'd have something to sleep in and spare toothbrushes?" I said.

"Indeed I do," Elena said getting a t-shirt out of her draw and a pair of loose shorts. She then threw

them to me before rummaging around her draw again. "Luca, I'm pretty sure these were Leo's before

he grew into a giant," she added handing him a pair of baseball shorts.

She then went into the bathroom and returned with two new toothbrushes.

"Sweet dreams to both of you," she said. "Or all three of you, should I say," she continued looking at

my stomach.

I smiled and we said goodnight to them all before heading to the spare room.

"Bella's pretty, isn't she?" Luca said to me as she walked.

"Luca, you know that Leo would literally kill you if you tried anything, right?" I asked.

"I was just making an observation, geez," he replied. "But if the world was ending, I totally would."

I rolled my eyes, "Save yourself for your mate, whore."

"We don't slut shame in the 21st century thank you very much," he replied just before we reached the

spare room.

The room was fairly cold so the first thing I did was turn on the heater. I changed into Elena's clothes,

brushed my teeth and snuggled into the thick duvet cover. Luca insisted on plaiting my hair before he

snuggled into his comfortable bed of the floor with only a spare pillow and the throw from the bed.

"It's like a queen sized bed, Luca. If you want the other side, you can have it," I said.

"If Leo gets back and finds that I slept in the same bed as his mate, I am done for," he replied. "It's not

too uncomfortable and besides, I can still watch you from down here."

"Okay...on that note, goodnight, Luca."

November 3rd

I woke up in the night feeling nauseous again and was suddenly thankful that Luca was there to hold

my hair and sit with me until I was done. The whole event repeated just after sunrise too and Rosa

came to join the party.

"Oh honey," she said kneeling down beside me rubbing my back as I chucked up again.

Luca wiped my mouth with a wet rag and flushed the toilet.

"Girl, you can't have anything left in you to throw up," he replied.

"You'd be surprised-" I began before vomiting once again.

10 minutes later I was about done.

"Marco, Carlos and Mateo are downstairs having breakfast if you're hungry?" Rosa asked.

I nodded before having a quick shower and heading down to breakfast.

"Where's Luca?" I asked.

"He had to go deal with shit at the base and cover for Leo," Mateo said.

"Oh, okay," I replied. "And any news from Leo?"

"Yes, they're on their way back and should be here in three hours. But Marco, Carlos and I all have a

training session and Blair and Luca are busy doing Alpha stuff.

"Don't tell me Max is..." I started before the door bell cut me off. Mateo mouthed a sorry before going to

answer it.

"He did offer," Marco said.

"Mateo! Why can't I just be left on my own! Tell him to fuck off," I hissed before the door was opened

and Max came in.

"Hey little Cuz," Max said coming into the kitchen with a beaming smile on his face. I scowled at him

before getting an apple and going back upstairs to change. I put the same clothes on as yesterday

since I didn't bring anything with me. The only one of the girls that was awake was Maria, she was

going to see her mate any minute so I had no salvation there after Marco, Carlos and Mateo left.

"Kids I'm going to the grocery store, I'll be back in about two hours," Rosa said.

Max glanced at me with a grin before calling after Rosa.

"Do you want us to go Rosa? You must be tired and you want to be here when Lia gets back," Max said

with a sweet smile.

"Oh that's too kind of you Max darling. Here's the list and some money and be sure to take care of your

cousin," Rosa said.

"Come on then sweet cheeks," he said putting a hand on my back.

"I think I'll pass this one," I said.

"You know the rules. Leo wouldn't want you left without a male guardian," he replied with a shrug.

I scowled.

"I can take care of myself," I replied.

"Take that up with the Alpha," he said. "Until I am told otherwise, you are not being left alone."

"He's right, Ella. It's Leo's orders however ridiculous they are," Rosa said.

I sighed and then Max took my wrist, dragging me towards his car.

"Which grocery store are we bloody going to?" I asked after we had been in the car for a while.

"We aren't going to a grocery store hunbun, we are going to Ayas," Max said grinning. "I just had to get

you in my car alone."

"We what?" I asked sitting forward and snapping my head towards him.

"Relax..." he said with a laugh. "I have an agreement with Alpha Haden. Nothing to worry your little

head about.

He then patted my hair and continued to drive with an amused smile.

Keeping my eyes on him, I slowly reached into my pocket and withdrew my phone. Before I could even

unlock it, Max's eyes flickered down to my hands and snatched it off me. He then scrolled down the

window and threw it out onto the road with more force than strictly necessary.

"Probably best if Alpha Loren doesn't find out about this just yet," Max said not taking his eyes off the


Next, I went to try and open the door, but Max got to the child lock first and I heard all the doors click

and bolt shut.

"Do you really want to do that? We are travelling at 90 mph. Jumping out now would hurt like a bitch,"

Max said slyly.

"You drive like a fucking maniac," I hissed. "And you are a fucking maniac. Why would you do this? You

aren't going to get away with this and Leo is going to kill you."

"You don't even know what this is so how can you be so sure?" Max said smirking.

I scanned the insides of the car, looking for any kind of object I could hit him with. There was nothing. I

then examined him. His arms stretched out holding the steering wheel were clearly bulky and strong,

his shoulders were broad and his chest exceedingly muscular. By no stretch of the imagination could I

take him with my bare hands. He could crush me.

"Are you ever going to stop hating me, Max?" I asked.

"I wouldn't take it personally, it's more your family than you," Max replied.

"I can't help who gave birth to me and who my family is," I answered. "What would you do if your mate

turned out to be a Jones?"

"You see the thing is Ella. I understand Nicolós being your father was not your choice, but you have his

personality and that's what I and my family hated most about him. If I had you or another Jones as my

mate, I would make sure the sarcasm and stubbornness don't hang around for long," Max explained.

After that, I didn't say a word until we pulled up at a gas station.

"I need fuel," he said turning off the ignition after parking next to the pump. "Try anything and I will

shank you."

"Sure," I grumbled as he got out the car and began filling the tank.

I looked around. There was no one but one meek little cashier in the building. The gas station was just

off the road which we had seen no other cars on for hours and all that surrounded us was the forest. I

leant my head back in the seat and sighed.

"Get some chips while you're in there!" I called to Max as he finished filling and went inside to pay.

He smiled sarcastically and held his middle finger up to me before turning his back.

This was my chance. He had locked the door but the window was a crack open so I could slip my

fingers in and prize it down and climb out. The second I landed on the concrete floor, Max eyes

snapped up and glared at me through the window of the shop.

Without a second more hesitation I bolted into the trees.

A few moments later, I looked back, expecting to see Max chasing me but he wasn't. Instead, he was

just stood at the edge of the forest with the cashier man, a knife at his throat.

I instantly stopped running as he glared at me, pushing the knife closer to the man's throat.

"Get back here now or I'll kill him," he threatened. "Don't think I wouldn't do it."

I swallowed and looked at the pure terror on his face as Max held him firmly in front of him.

I had no choice, I couldn't let an innocent man die.

So with a scowl on my face I marched back towards the car.

Max released the poor guy before coming for me.

"You don't need to touch me," I growled, opening the car door, "I'm getting in myself."

He completely ignored my request and slammed me into the side of the car. I hit my head hard and

whimpered from the pain as my vision began to go fuzzy.

"If only I could have the pleasure of killing you," he hissed in my ear, "You have no idea how much I

would enjoy it."

He then bundled me into the car, as my head spun before there was just darkness.

I next woke up in Max's arms once again. This time he was carrying me to the door of a large house. I

still couldn't see clearly but I felt us go inside and then descend into down into a basement.

"You knocked her out?" Haden's voice said as we came to the bottom of a flight of stairs. "What's the

fun in having her unconscious?"

"Relax," Max replied. "She's coming around. It was a long car journey and I just wanted a bit of quiet."

Max then placed me on the floor and held me up as I regained the use of my legs. At first, I was wobbly

but then he slapped my face a bit, snapping me awake.

"Ahh welcome back Luna," Haden's voice said from somewhere in the darkness.

"Why the fuck am I here?" I spat.

"Your Alpha took my mate, I had no choice but to take his," he replied, his footsteps echoing as he

came closer.

I stepped back into Max but he wasn't going to offer me any protection. He's the one who brought me


"Or you could have just treated her well," I snapped.

"Yes because Alpha Loren treats his mate really well. This whole thing just screams hypocrisy, don't

you think?" he asked.

There was only one light in the room. A dim bulb hanging by a wire from the middle of the ceiling.

Haden finally came into it the reach of its light, illuminating his face.

He dragged a wooden chair with him.

"Bring her here," Haden ordered. I struggled against Max as he pulled me closer to Haden.

"Her has a name," I said managing to kick Max in the shins which gave me a leash of freedom before

he grasped my arm yanking me back to him. He held me firmly under the bulb whilst Haden

approached me. He inhaled my scent and paused.

"Max, my dearest friend, not only have you brought me Loren's Luna, but Loren's child. Doesn't this just

scream buy one get one free!?" Haden said a smirk taking over his face, Max's lips also curled into an

evil smile.

"Does the Alpha know about this Miss Jones?" Haden asked and I didn't answer, instead, I glared into

his eyes.

"He does," Max answered for me.

"Jolly good. That makes him even more likely to comply," Haden said grinning with delight. His face

then suddenly contorted to a more serious expression. "Tie her to this chair Max," Haden ordered.

"Max, why are you doing this?" I asked as Max pulled my wrists behind my back tying them with a

coarse piece of rope.

"Shut up," He replied before putting a piece of duck tape over my mouth.

"Okay this is what is going to happen," Haden said pulling something out of the darkness. "Alpha Loren

should be back by now and have realised that you are missing. With this camera, we are going to make

a little live video for him to watch. A broadcast if you like. Sound good?" Haden asked rhetorically as I

was physically unable to answer. "You don't have to say anything, of course, the sight of you like this

should be enough. Okay...if you're ready this camera is already wired up so we can go straight away,"

He said pressing a button on it and a green light turned on. Max had moved behind the camera, maybe

he didn't want Leo knowing he was involved in this evil scheme.

"Good evening Alpha Loren, I know you are watching this, in fact I know the whole pack is watching

this, I rigged your TV system by the way, so hiya Lia, hope you're having a nice time back home,"

Haden said his face close to the camera blocking me from sight. "Anyway I just thought you might like

to see something," he continued moving to the side so that I was now in the camera's shot. "A Luna for

a Luna right? You took mine away from me so I took yours. But it can work the other way too, you give

me mine back and I'll give yours back. Simple," he continued wondering over to me.

He crouched down to my level taking out a pocket knife and waving it in front of my face. "Oh and

before you launch an attack, if I hear of one hair being harmed on any of my peoples' heads I will kill

her without hesitation, and if she dies so does the baby. I have an advantage over you, you see, I can

do anything to Ella without running the risk of you returning the favour with Lia. She's your little sister,

and even as the most powerful, most ruthless Alpha of all time, you wouldn't dream of hurting her. Ella

and I, however, have no such relationship," Haden said wiping the dishevelled hair out of my face with

the tip of the knife.

"It's a miracle really, scarcely an ounce of physical strength in sight, yet this whole archive of mentality

and courage. It will be a shame if I have to kill her, the snarky comments, sarcastic responses and

challenging questions are just so...but of course, Alpha Leonardo Loren of the Stella pack, you already

know that. Despite your power and influence over so many wolves, you still fail to control your 17-year-

old mate? There must be something about her, something more than a stiff upper lip." Haden said.

"Anyway, I bid my fondest farewells to the Stella pack and I'll be expecting to see you and your sister

soon Alpha," Haden said before walking over to the camera and pressing a button the turned off the

green light. He then came over to me and slowly peeled off the duck tape.

"Why are you so desperate to own Lia! What's wrong with having her for a week or two and then letting

her visit her family?!" I said exploding as soon as my mouth was free.

"You don't know what it's like for an Alpha to not have his mate to the entirety. Having somebody else

with control over what you do and don't do with her, I can scarcely touch what is supposed to be mine

to touch. Imagine being given an apple, but not being able to eat it. Imagine winning the lottery but not

being able to spend one cent. The craving is driving me mad," he said.

"I can see that. You're erratic...and psychotic for that matter, beautiful monologue, by the way, I really

like the caparison of Lia to an apple, just so enchantingly romantic," I said.

He cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You fascinate me, Ella," he said.

"I've heard that before," I grumbled fighting against the ropes.

"You're so fearless but why? To me it's just recklessness, you don't think about the consequences of

what you say and do. But I also get this impression that you're smarter than you seem. So why would

knowingly you put yourself in so much danger?"

"She can't control it," Max said. "Her father was just the same."

"Ah so an extreme lack of self-preservation instinct seems to run in the family?"

"Or maybe that's just a nice way of saying stupidity," Max replied with a shrug."

"Can I ask you a question, Max? Why? What are you gaining from this, except never being able to go

back to your pack?" I asked.

"Well firstly sweetheart, Alpha Loren will never find out that it was me who brought you here because

you aren't going to tell him for the same reasons we have discussed time and time again. And

secondly, why would I pass on the opportunity to hand my favourite little cousin into someone who is

going to tie her up and cause a lot of pain?" Max said grinning evilly.

"And you think Leo isn't going to find out without me telling him. He will know that it was you by the fact

that you took me to the grocery store and never came back," I said failing to loosen the ropes for the

millionth time.

"Not if you tell him how you wandered off out into the forest where Haden's men abducted you and

brought you here," Max said.

"I'm an awful liar. Leo will find out even if I don't directly tell him," I said.

"I'm sure if you really wanted to save your brother's life you could pull off a pretty convincing act," Max


"Guys we're banking on Ella actually making it back alive here," Haden said with an evil laugh. "You

might not even get that far."

"Why did Lia want to come back in the first place?" I asked.

"I did a few things she didn't love," Haden said. "I mean last night I was so close to giving her some

unconsented fang and when she came out of the shower just in a little towel...I just couldn't help


"You raped her!?"

"No," he said. "I didn't. But I just had to touch her...feel her...taste her...but I stopped myself and she still

had to get all scared and call her big bro to come to her rescue."

"I'm glad she did," I replied. "She isn't safe with you," I added finally getting somewhere with the ropes.

"Max tighten those ropes. Don't want anyone escaping, do we?" Haden said somehow knowing. Max

walked behind me adjusting the ropes. He suddenly pulled them incredibly hard. I winced at the pain

before he allowed it to loosen the slightest little bit and then securing it. "You can put the duct tape back

on. I see why you fucking knocked her out. She's annoying," Haden finished heading up the stairs back

to ground level.

"I'll be heading back to Stella tonight," Max said after putting the duck tape on. "It's a shame, I would

have liked to see you endure a little more torture, but oh well, I'll probably be seeing you again quite

soon," he said before planting a gentle but cold kiss on my forehead and leaving the way Haden did. I

wanted to say something in response but the duck tape wouldn't allow me. It's going to be a longggggg


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