Alpha Loren

Chapter 27 Leo v Haden

Chapter 27 Leo v Haden

October 19th

It was 9:16 am and for once I had woken up before Leo. I rolled over to face him. His skin was smooth

and glowing in the morning sun and his features so soft and gentle as he slept. The bed covers had

slipped down, exposing his broad shoulders and perfect chest that rose and fell with every breath.

I smiled to myself and then gently ran my fingers along his arm. His eyes slowly flickered open,

revealing their intense blueness and he smiled.

"Morning," he said in a broken morning voice.

"Morning," I replied placing my hand on his cheek. "I didn't mean to wake you. You looked so peaceful."

"I still am," he said placing his hand on my bare waist. "It's a perfect morning."

I looked out the window to see clear blue skys and bright sunlight yet from the crispness of the dewy

grass and the slight draft through the wind I could tell it was bitterly cold. My favourite kind of weather.

"You have the Luna symbols," he said running his thumb along my wrist.

I looked down to see the two tiny symbols on the inside of my wrist, perfectly matching Leo's.

"You're officially my Luna now," he said with a warm smile as he entwined his fingers into mine.

"How does the moon goddess know though?"

"Maybe she was watching," Leo said with a cheeky grin showing off his perfectly straight white teeth. I


"For real though, it's wizzy whoo magic shit. No one really knows."

I laughed and rolled onto my back before letting out a deep sigh.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

I smiled to myself, "You didn't go gently," I said.

"I'm sorry," Leo replied. "Does it still hurt?"

"Just a little," I said wrapping my arm around his bare chest. "I may not be able to walk for a week


After letting out a short laugh, he rolled his eyes in a devilishly handsome manner.

"Don't be melodramatic."

"But I guess maybe possibly perhaps I could cope with the fact that I'll only ever sleep with you," I


He nudged me playfully, "Hey! You came hard. Don't degrade my abilities."

"It's where you got those abilities from that's the degrading part. I can tell you're an experienced man," I


"I'm sorry," he said suddenly. "I should have waited for you."

I rested my head on his chest and sighed, "It's okay. Because I'm not psychotic like you, I'll get over it

and I certainly won't go out looking to kill the woman."

He placed his hand on my head and began stroking my hair.

"When did you lose it?" I asked.

"In junior year of high school. I was the same age as you are now so I didn't even try to wait," he

replied, "There's no excuse I'm just a..."

"Slut?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Guess so."

"Slut-shaming is so not cool anyway. It would be nice if so many women hadn't had the pleasure of

being with my mate but it's not a big deal, right?"

"It would be if it was the other way round," he scoffed.

"Good job we have the reasonable one in my position then," I replied.

He rolled his eyes again. There was a slight pause...time to ask my burning question.

"Am I from this pack?" I asked.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head back. I've been feeling like there's something that he hasn't been

telling me for a while now.

Every time he introduced me to someone, there'd be a little awkward pause after he'd revealed my

name that would then be brushed over and then when Max Megestanis told me my father once lived

here, my curiosity only grew.

Before my wild imagination came up with some strange theory, I decided it would be best to just ask.

"That's quite a big question for 9:18 am on a Sunday morning," He said. "...why do you ask?"

"I already had my suspicions that there's something you're keeping from me," I replied, "And then Max

Megestanis told me something."

Leo raised an eyebrow, "What did he tell you and when?" he asked in a deep tone.

"I wanted to talk to you about this as soon as it happened but you were angry at me and then we went

to the party and then you passed out and I um... cut my knees.. and it completely blew over my head," I

rambled. "Anyway, there was something off about him. I got the impression he loathed me before you'd

even introduced me."

"He's just not very friendly," Leo said, "Don't worry."

Definitely hiding something.

"Sure," I remarked, "Then when you went inside with Luca, why did he growl in my ear 'I'm warning you

now, watch where you tread because our families aren't exactly friends'?," I said mocking Max's deep,

harsh voice.

Leo stared at me for a few seconds before furrowing his eyebrows.

"What. The. Fuck?" he growled getting to his feet. "And remind me why you didn't think to tell me this


"I was going to and then I...didn't."

"I'll be back in an hour. I have a Megestanis to put in his place," he grumbled marching to his closet.

"Leo wait-" I sighed.

"He threatened you and he needs to be punished," he replied.

"And whether you do it now or later doesn't make a difference. At least let us enjoy the rest of the

morning and if you think for a second I'm letting you get out of answering my questions, you can think

again," I said patting the bed beside me.

He seemed reluctant to go along with my suggestion so I flashed him a pleading smile.

"No. Don't give me that look, Ella Jones," he said a smile tugging at his lips.

"I don't know what you mean..."

"The adorable puppy eyes and the cute little smile," he said.

"Please?" I added, the sheet slipping down exposing more of my bare body.

He rolled his eyes once again and threw himself back down beside me and kissed me deeply on the


"So what happened next?" he asked resting his head on my stomach.

"When we were at the base and I REALLY pissed you off and you went to talk to that lady, Max spoke

to me about how if I was his mate I'd never see the light of day and all that crap and obviously I was

having none of that so I snapped at him which lead to him telling me I was 'just like my father'-" I said.

"You will not snap at my Megestanis like that," Leo said. "Show them respect."

"Congrats. You categorically missed the point, " I said putting my finger up to his face to sssh him.

"Anyway, as I was saying. I asked him how he knew my Dad he said he was once in your pack and left

the day I was born. Surely that means I was born here. And why don't I know this?"

"You were born here. I remember the day," Leo admitted after letting out a long sigh.

"My mate remembers the day I was born. That's not weird..." I commented.

"I was only 6 but I don't think I will ever forget it. Antonio was Alpha and I remember us driving to

Lissauer to see your mother and father just before you were born."

"They were in Lissauer?" I asked. "The bottom factions?"

"Not originally. Your Dad was...a liability?" He asked and I nodded. "He had been demoted eight times

from Thalassa. I remember my Dad mentioning him many times, it was my favourite dinner time talk

actually 'What has Nicolòs Jones done now?'. Your mother always stuck by him no matter what though.

We knew her as Mara Megestanis, the sister of Milo Megestanis, Max's father."

"Wait, wait, wait," I interrupted. "So surely that means I am related to Max," I then narrowed my eyes in

thought, "...He's my cousin!? How come you didn't think to tell me this!"

"Must have blown over my head," He said mocking what I said earlier. "Anyway, when Nicolòs and

Mara found each other as mates, Milo forbade them from seeing each other. He was the Megestanis of

Triton and technically Mara's legal guardian. That meant that until she was 18, he was well within his

rights to keep them apart. But your father wasn't the type to listen to any orders, just like you, so he

helped Mara escape and they ran back to Nicolòs's house. That night was the night Mara conceived

your brother. When Milo found out he was furious and wanted Nicolòs kicked out the pack. Instead my

Dad just demoted them to the next faction. A few more strikes and a year later, Mara had turned 18 and

your parents were living together in Lissauer with a one-year-old son and a daughter on the way. Milo

knew that one more bad move and Nicolòs would be kicked out the pack but because Mara had

Megastanis blood and so did you and Connor you would be allowed to stay. Milo said a thing or two to

your father and in typical Jones fashion, he retaliated. Long story short, Nicolòs was given two days to

leave pack territory for disrespecting authority and the stress of everything sent your mum into labour,"

Leo said.

"Why did Milo hate my Dad?" I asked.

"Because he was Nicolòs Jones. Infamous throughout the pack for being an irresponsible delinquent.

Always in trouble, always defying orders, never any respect for his superiors, always doing something

he shouldn't. He and Milo had never gotten along. But of course, when your father had to leave the

pack, your Mother and his two young children went with him," He finished.

"I can't believe you never told me this," I said.

"You never asked."

"I met Max and you both forgot to mention that he is my cousin!?".

"Hey your parents never mentioned it either. Your Dad told you all those horror stories about me and

forgot to mention that he actually used to be in the pack."

"Is Milo Megastanis still alive?" I asked.

"No. Max took over when he was 14 because Milo died of pneumonia of all things," Leo said brushing

my hair behind my ear.

I looked down at his bright blue eyes not really sure what to think about all this.

"So I have a dead uncle that I didn't even know about?" I asked.

"He would have hated you. Firstly, because you are the daughter of Nicolòs and secondly because you

are just like Nicolòs."

"So that's why Max hates me so much..."

"Yes, and I will be seeing to him today when we are doing Alpha Haden's mate search," Leo said

angrily. "The fucking twat."

"Am I coming?" I asked hoping I'd get out the house.

"I don't see why not," Leo said kissing my forehead.

"How will we know if I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"The bump might give it away a bit if the intense cravings and tiredness don't," He laughed.

"I meant before all that starts," I said rolling your eyes.

"I'll take you to the pack doctor," He said stroking my hair.

"You know that werewolf foetuses develop quicker than humans right?" He asked.

"Same as wolf pregnancy right? Two months?"

"Yes, 70 days," he confirmed.

Soon after, we got up and head out to meet Haden.

"You know I'm surprised you are even letting him search your pack. You guys don't seem exactly

friendly with each other," I said as we got in the car.

"Not letting him would be denying him of his mate and that is the most common way to start a war," Leo


"Alpha's are sensitive, aren't they?" I said, but I didn't get a response- no surprise there.

When we arrived at a small cottage in the middle of the forest that Haden had stayed the night at, he

was waiting outside and got into the back seat of the car.

"Smells like you two had a great night," Haden said leaning forward from the middle seat. Leo shot him

a glare. "Congratulations on becoming the Luna Ella," He continued stroking my hair. I shook my head

in an attempt to get his hand off me.

"Don't fucking touch her," Leo said grasping Haden's wrist bone-crushingly tight. Haden didn't even


"Just stating the facts Loren. Just stating the facts," Haden said pulling his hand out and sitting back in

his chair. "So what's the plan Alph?"

"I've sent out an order. All unmated girls and women in this pack will be reporting to the base as we

speak," he replied.

"All of them?" Haden asked, "How are you so sure?"

"They won't disobey, I can assure you," Leo replied.

"So what? Then I just find her amongst hundreds?" Haden asked.

"If she's there, yes," Leo replied.

When we arrived at the base, Leo took us to a large clearing in the woods, just beyond the main town.

Gathered in it was a huge crowd of chattering girls and woman.

Leo marched straight to the middle, the crowd splitting as he walked. I followed him as Haden took his

time behind us, examining the girls closest to him closely.

They were uncomfortable. I could tell by the way they backed away from him as he stared and I didn't

blame them. It was creepy.

Leo then lifted his hand once we'd reached the centre and an immediate wave of silence swept


"Good morning," Leo's voice bellowed in his Alpha tone. "You may be wondering why I've instructed

you all to come here today. And the reason is Alpha Haden of the Ayas pack believes his mate is

amongst you," Leo continued.

"I know she is amongst them," Alpha Haden replied smelling the air, "She's here."

Leo turned to him and paused. His lip twitched for a moment before he had to force himself to nod.

He swallowed and cleared his thraot, "Then find her."

I could tell he hoped Haden was wrong in thinking his mate was one of his pack members and as he

watched Haden sauntered through the crowd, he was tense and stiff.

I took Leo's hand. He looked down at me and I gave him a small smile but I could think of nothing to


So we just followed Haden as he made he way across the clearing.

"Alpha Loren, if I can sense her, she can sense me," Haden said in a frustrated tone, "Would you be so

kind as to order her to come forward."

"No," Leo said, "I will not rush her."

Haden clenched his jaw before sniffing the surroundings once again.

He then took a more decided path to the left, picking up his pace with the more distance he covered.

The women and girls practically jumped out of his way as he strode through, breathing sighs of relief as

he past them without stopping.

We were nearly at the end of the clearing when he suddenly stopped.

Leo and Haden were both stood in front of me so I couldn't see but I could see the muscle's in Leo's

back and how incredibly tense they were.

I stepped to the side to see and I instantly understood.

Infront of Haden stood Lia, Bella and Elena - Leo's three sisters that were both of age and unmated.

Elena stood in the middle clutching her younger siblings as she stared at Haden. Bella reached for

Lia's hand as Lia just looked straight to the floor, her eyes wide and panicked.

"You," He said pointing to the sister on the left.

Lia suddenly snapped her eyes up to Haden and Elena only clutched her tighter.

"Come here," Haden ordered.

I looked up to Leo to see him entirely tensed with his eyes fixated on his sisters. Lia looked from Elena

to Leo and then slowly back to Haden but she didn't let go of her sisters.

"Do not make me say it again," he said.

Lia was only seventeen. The same as me but she was far more timid and shy. The command in

Haden's voice jumped her but she slowly let go of Bella and Elena and had the courage to gingerly

step forward.

"Look at me," Haden demanded. She didn't look up, "Look at me in the eye," he repeated.

She lifted her head slowly to reveal two wide watery eyes. Before she could bring herself to look at

Haden she gave me and then Leo a pleading look. And then...

Haden let out a low murmer before pulling her in closer to him, "You," he said, "It's definitely you."

She froze in his grasp, her eyes still wide-set on Leo.

"What 's your name?" He asked but Lia didn't respond.

"Lia Loren, age 17 from Triton," Leo said emotionlessly.

"The Alpha's sister..." Haden said getting a proper look of her. "Nice to meet you, Lia. I'm Haden."

She gingerly took his outstretched hand and shook.

There was a brief pause as they looked into each other's eyes before Haden began to turn.

"Now let's go," he said abruptly.

"," Lia said looking at her helpless sisters and then back at us. "Alpha Haden I can't-"

"Yes, you can," He said hauling her with force.

"Elena, Bella," she said turning to her sisters.

Elena looked up to Leo, a pleading expression on her face.

But he did nothing and only watched as Haden got fed up of the resistance and heaved Lia onto his


She cried tears of helplessness as he walked away.

"Leo!" She begged. "Leo!!!" She continued as he stared seamlessly emotionless at the scene.

But he was having an internal battle. I could see it in his eyes.

Eventually, he took a deep breath, "Stop," he ordered.

Silence immediately returned. Haden paused and turned around putting the now silent Lia on the

ground next to him.

"What is it, Loren?" He asked after a tense pause.

"You can't take her," Leo said in a deep tone, "Not like this."

"And why's that?" Haden asked.

"Because...she's distraught."

"I thought we agreed that wouldn't be a factor."

"Now it is," Leo said coldly, stepping closer to Haden.

"What because she happens to be your sister?" He growled.

"Yes she is my sister, but she is also a pack member and I can't watch you drag one of my pack

members away, kicking and screaming. It is my duty as Alpha to protect her as best I can."

"Surely you can let one go. How many do you have 5000? And if it's the sister matter. You can let go of

one of them too," Haden asked.

"I won't allow you to drag her away in agony. She is not going to Ayas. Not until she is happy to," Leo


His hand reached back out to Lia but before he could touch her, Leo had suddenly advanced so he and

Haden were a few inches away from each other.

"Are you trying to start a war, Loren?" Haden said bluntly causing a wave of whispers to flow across the


"Why would I want to start a war?"

"You are denying me of my mate," Haden answered with spite.

"I am protecting my sister," Leo growled.

"From what? Her mate?" Haden scoffed. "I'm not going to hurt her."

"Don't forget, I do actually know you quite well, Haden," Leo said almost with a laugh.

"Fine. I challenge you to a duel," Haden said after a deep inhale.

"You want to fight me?" Leo asked raising an eyebrow whilst the crowd watched intensely.

"Winner gets her," Haden established.

"Fine," Leo said taking off his jacket.

"Leo, don't..." I pleaded as Haden took off his too.

"No shifting, no Beta;s interfering," Haden said as they began circling each other.

A few seconds before, Blair had come marching through the crowd in search of Leo.

He looked from Haden and Leo and the way they glared at eachother before glancing over to Lia,

instantly realising what ws going on.

"No Luna's interfering," Haden added looking to me.

"This is all my fault," Lia sobbed chewing her nails whilst Bella and Elena tried to comfort her. "I'm so

sorry, Ella."

"Why are you apologising? You have done nothing wrong," I said firmly.

Elena nodded, "Ella's right. This is not your fault."

Just then, Leo launched at Haden knocking him clean off his feet. Lia gasped and burried her head into

Elena's shoulder.

Haden was underneath Leo who was delivering some hard punches. I wanted to look away from the

violence but I couldn't. I was frozen in shock from the violence. I knew about Leo's reputation but I'd

never seen the side of him that could beat the living daylights out of another man.

Eventually, Haden somehow managed to grab Leo's fist and twist him around until he was on the

ground instead. I lurched forward only to be caught by Blair.

"Ella, no," He said in his usual calm voice into my ear, "You can't disobey the rules of a challenge."

"No, no, Blair you have to let go of me," I said fumbling at his fingers which were tight around my waist.

Haden punched him hard in the jaw and the more I watched my mate getting hurt the more I fought

against Blair.

"Please," I begged as Haden kneed him in the stomach five times.

Fortunately, the final knee coming fast towards Leo's body was caught and used as leverage to throw

Haden to the ground. His head hit the ground with a lot of force and Leo suddenly stopped and stood


We all looked down at Haden's body, waiting for him to get up and come for Leo again but he didn't. He

instead lay perfectly still.

Lia's sobs were the only noise amongst the entire crowd until Leo lifted his gaze away and began

speaking to the crowd.

"Alpha Haden dared to challenge me and has failed," he announced. "You may now all leave."

The crowd then began to silently disperse.

"He isn't dead," Leo said marching over to Lia.

"He...he's...he's not dead?" she asked as Elena let go of her and Leo pulled her into a tight hug.

Leo shook his head.

"He is not dead," Leo reassured.

"'re not dead?" Lia asked, her hands still shaking as she clasped Leo's arm.

"I am not dead," He said and Lia burst out in sobs again but this time sobs of relief. Leo then turned to


"Elena, make sure she gets home alright," Leo said as Elena took Leo's hand after the hug.

Elena nodded and she began guiding her little sister out of the clearing with Bella in tow.

I looked up at him. He smiled at me warmly and for a second I forgot about what I had just witnessed.

"You could have died, Leo," I said as he prodded Haden with his foot.

Haden didn't move a muscle, completely unconscious.

"And you're bleeding ...and bruised and cut-"

"I'm fine Ella," He said, beckoning Blair over, "He might need to see a Doctor though."

Blair looked down at Haden and shrugged, "Yeh...maybe..."

"Get him to the hospital and keep an eye on him," Leo nodded.

Blair nodded and crouching down, hauling the six and a half foot Alpha up and over his shoulder before

carrying him away with surprising ease. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Leo then turned to look at me, "Why are you upset? Everything turned out okay, no?"

I shrugged, "Yes," I said with a forced smile.

"Then what's wrong?" he asked moving my head so that I couldn't avoid looking at him. "Why can't you

look at me?"

"It's nothing," I said.

Just then, Max appeared in the emptying clearing.

Leo clenched his jaw and began to march over to him.

Here comes another testosterone storm.

Max saw him stride over to him with a furious expression and furrowed his eyebrows. When Leo

grabbed him around the throat and pinned him to the tree, he only looked more confused.

"Never, ever threaten my Luna again or I will punch you so far north you will either freeze to death or

get pneumonia and die like your father did. Do you understand me?" Leo spat, his voice clear and


Max hesitated for a second, looking over to me as I stood with my arms wrapped tight around myself.

"Yes, Alpha," he choked.

"She is my Luna and you will respect her," he continued. "Disrespecting is disrespecting me and you

know that I do not tolerate that."

"I understand," Max said, his face turning a sickly shade of lilac.

"Good," Leo said dropping Max to the floor.

He gasped for air but Leo turned away, without looking back. When he reached me, he took my hand

and walked us at a high pace back to the car.

When we arrived back home, I noticed how dark and swollen Leo's eye was and how his lip was yet to

stop bleeding.

"You need some ice," I said going to the freezer.

He let me hold the ice on his eye and gently dab his lip with a tissue.

"I usually just take a shower," he said as I fussed over cleaning the blood off his knuckles.

"Usually?" I asked. "Do you get in fights often?"

"I spend my life fighting rogues and enemies," he replied. "It's not often that my allies try me though."

"Now I know why," I whispered under my breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You're ruthless," I said honestly.

His jaw tightened.

"And you didn't even try talking about it before you fought him," I replied. "It's like you wanted to."

"I did want to," he said bluntly, "I've been wanting to punch that fucker for years. This was the perfect


"You know, violence isn't always the answer," I replied.

"You don't know Haden like I do, Ells," he said, "The only way I was going to stop him was violence.

And I won, so what is the problem?"

I sighed and dabbed his lip again. The bleeding was slowing but it was still awfully swollen.

"Ella, look at me," he said tucking my hair behind my ear, "What is the problem?"

"I just don't like seeing you hurt others," I said, "And I certainly don't like seeing you get hurt either."

I then began to bring the ice back to his eye but he took my hands and stopped me, "Ella, I appreciate

the concern," he began, "But you do not need to worry about me. And I only used the force necessary

right? Haden is now in a hospital bed recovering. He'll be fine too."

I nodded, "Okay. But shut up and let me nurse you. I don't care if you want it or not. I'm not having your

go around with injuries like this untreated."

He let out a laugh before holding his hands up in surrender, "If it makes you happy."

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