Alpha Loren

Chapter 22 Unexpected Reunion

Chapter 22 Unexpected Reunion

October 14th

We must of been about 10 minutes away from the house, I was going by my nose as Leo wasn't any

help on navigating at all. After the 'death' conversation there hadn't been much talking. He kept lifting

up his hand and smelling it and then he would do the same to my hand- weird I know but he had an

amount of alcohol that would kill me and any normal person.

"Will you stop that?" I said as he prodded my stomach for the 16th time.

"I'm sorry it's just so fun," He said giggling like a little girl.

"Fun?" I said as a gentle rustle came from the bush. "What was that?" I said alarmed.

"Probably another sheep," Leo said completely unfazed.

"Leo that's not a sheep, there are no sheep here," I said seriously trying to get him to stand up straight

and off my aching shoulder.

"Don't be silly. There are sheep everywhere," He said as another rustle sounded. "There it is again."

"Leo, I don't even care what drugs you've taken. I just need you to pull your self together so that we

can get back to the house," I said, "Can you stand?"

"Of course I can," He announced standing up and immediately tripping over.

Oh fuck.

"Leo get up. Leo!" I said slapping his face- no reaction.

I heard footsteps rustling in the leaves before I stood up, my fists at the ready.

I'd never been taught to fight but it was supposed to be in a wolf instinct.

What better time to find out if it is?

"Wait," I said as somebody finally emerged from the forest, "Connor?"

I lowered my fists, "Thank God you're here," I added.

He looked down at Leo and shrugged, "Is he...alive?"

I knelt down and felt his pulse.

"Yes," I said, "Will you help me get him home?"

"Or we could just...leave him there," Connor replied, "And get out of here preferably before he wakes


"What?" I asked.

"I thought you were supposed to be the smart one, Ella," he said, "I'm here to rescue you. I've booked

two plane tickets out of Seattle. We need to go now."

"What?" I asked again, "Where did you even get that kind of money?"

"It doesn't matter," he grumbled, "Let's just go. There's a bus in half an hour. We'll make it if we run."

"I can just...leave," I said looking down at Leonardo.

"Why not?" Connor asked, "I made sure he won't wake up for at least three hours."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Connor, what the fuck did you do?" I asked deeply.

"Made sure something was slipped in his drinks," he replied, "Don't worry. He'll live."

His weird mood, the all added up.

"You drugged my mate?!" I hissed.

"Why do you care? He treats you like shit and this is your chance for freedom," Connor said taking my

wrist, "But if we miss the bus we're fucked so let's go."

I looked down at Leo once more.


"But-" I began.

"Do you want to be his prisoner your whole life? Do you wanna be stuck at home raising his kids all day

every day? Do you want to be ordered around like some kind of inferior species?" he questioned, "You

know that's not what Dad would have wanted."

"No," I whispered.

"Then what is the problem?" Connor asked.

"The problem is he's still my mate, Connor," I said.

Connor rolled his eyes, "I knew this would have happened. No matter how terribly he treats you and

how miserable he makes you, you can't stop yourself falling for him because of the fucking mate bond.

Every time you touch him, kiss him and smell his scent it gets stronger. But it's not too late. Distance

yourself from him now and you'll live happier without him."


Connor then tugged my wrist, urging me to follow him.

I was conflicted. Split. Confused.

I didn't know what I wanted but Connor was my brother. He cared for me and he wouldn't do anything if

he didn't think it was the best for me.

So I trusted him.

I let him lead me away from the unconcious man on the floor I called mate and we ran through the


Soon enough we made it out onto a road where a faded sign vaguely reading 'bus stop' stood. I stood

quietly clutched my sweater around me as we waited for the bus.

"It must have been early and we just missed" I said breaking the silence fifteen minutes later as we still

stood on the cold roadside. "There's no traffic. Why would it be this late?"

Connor let out a short sigh before getting out his phone.

I stared down at the pavement, still thinking over this decision as the bright light lit up his face and he

started texting someone.

I'd had a fun night with him at Luca's party. We got on well, we kissed, we laughed. It felt right. But then

I knew we'd wake up in the morning and there'd be something more to argue about or something else

for him to take from me and control.

I knew there were so many things I wanted to do in life that I couldn't do with him as my mate and how

could I ever be happy with him? When he kills people without a second thought and ruins lives and

other people's happiness? How could I even consider it?

"I got us a lift," Connor announced a few moments later. "The bus takes the long route around. We'll

still make it in time in a car."

"Who's car?" I asked.

"A friend."

Another fifteen minutes later and a car slowed down next to us. It was dark and I couldn't see the driver

but as Connor opened the back door and encouraged me in I caught his scent and froze. Connor got in

behind me and shut the door and we were away at a high speed before I could even process what was

going on.

"I have to be dreaming," I said, "Connor, what the fuck is going on?"

"Tell her Connor," The driver said.

"I couldn't afford the plane tickets myself," Connor said after swallowing, "And we needed a place to go

when we land in Paris-"

"Paris?!" I exclaimed.

"So Logan offered to help out," he replied, "And urgh...he's coming too."

I raised my eyebrows, "Are you joking?"

"No," Connor said.

I looked in the rearview mirror at Logan. He grinned widely and winked.

"Do you both have a death wish?" I hissed. "Stop the car. I'm going back but I suggest you two get on

that fucking plane and as far away from Alpha Loren as you can."

No response.

"I said stop the fucking car?!" I shouted. "Connor tell him."

"I'm not letting you back to him," Connor said. "He'll only continue to treat you like shit."

"Okay, but going to live with Logan fucking Wilson is fine?!" I said.

Logan laughed.

"Do you even know what his intentions are!?" I questioned.

Connor paused for a second, already looking unsure.

"No worse than Alpha Loren's intentions," he said eventually.

"That's right. I just want to fuck you. You don't really think that your mate wants you for more than that,

do you? You're just a pretty thing with a vagina to both me and him," Logan taunted. "He's Alpha Loren.

He doesn't care or maybe he'd treat you right."

"Go to hell," I spat.

"It may hurt but it's the truth, babes," he replied.

"I tried to save you, Logan. You could be the other side of the world by now," I said, "But you seemed

far too determined to get yourself killed which I actually don't have a problem with right now. However, I

do have a problem with you dragging my brother into it. So stop the fucking car and let me out before

he finds us all and you both end up dead."

"He's not going to find us," Logan said, "The plane will take off before he's even conscious let alone in


"And then he'll just follow us to Paris and you'll die eating a croissant. Marginally better but still not

ideal, is it?" I questioned.

"Everything is planned, Ella," Connor said, "New identities, new jobs, a new home-"

"This is Alpha Loren we are talking about," I snapped, "He will find me. So, Connor, I suggest you let

me go back before he wakes up and we can pretend this never happened. As for you Logan, I don't

really give a shit, but I'm guessing you have some opinion about whether you head remains on your

shoulders or not..."

"Does she ever shut up?" Logan asked Connor.

"No," Connor replied.

"I never should have agreed to this," I muttered.

"You were fine with it until you found Logan was involved," Connor replied.

"And why might that be?" I snapped, "Maybe because he is a dirty, creepy motherfucker already being

hunted down by my mate thus making this now ten times more risky for you! Maybe he wouldn't have

killed you for helping me get away from him but for siding with Logan? You're a dead man."

I then turned my head to the window, unable to believe the stupidity in the car.

I watched as the tarmac of the road and the trees whizzed by and an idea came into my head. It was

dumb and unlikely to be successful but right now it's all I could think of.

Logan was driving fast but maybe...just maybe...if I opened the door and lept out I'd be able to race into

the forest and away before they could catch up.

On the Pro-jump side: getting away from Logan, Connor lives, probably won't die.

On the Pro-stay side: staying with Connor, freedom from Leo, no broken bones, croissants.

Working on the basis that the reasons were to a ratio of 3:4 I chose to go against all logic and try and


I took a deep breath, opened the door and flung myself as far out as I could. I scraped my bare knees

across the concreted road and landed with a painful thud but adrenaline allowed me to stand up and

race into the trees just as I heard the screeching of the car brakes.

I sprinted. My body ached, my head pounded, my legs stung but I knew Logan and Connor were both

faster runners than me. I had to lose them before they caught up.

I continued frantically for about fifteen minutes, running frantically in any direction, spreading my scent

around, making it impossible to track.

When I was sure I'd done a full loop of an the area, leaving hundreds of false trails of scent, I scaled

the tallest tree I could find as far as the nimble branches would let me go and waited.

"She's fucking insane," Logan's voice said twenty minutes later, "A total nutcase. I was driving 90mph.

She's lucky to be alive!"

"That's Ella for you," Connor replied, "She hasn't thought a thing through in her life."


"Dude, there's no sign of her and we're on Alpha Loren's territory," Logan said looking around. "We

need to be smart about this or we're both gonna die tonight."

Connor nodded, "Agreed."

"And we've missed the flight now. We'll need a new plan," Logan added. "If you can bear to, leave her

with that man for another couple of days before we figure something out."

Connor nodded again before they both glanced around once more before turning around and going

back in the direction of the car. I waited twenty minutes until I heard the distant sound of the car engine

fade away before climbing down.

I landed lightly on the floor but winced as I bent my injured knees.

"Shit," I cursed as I looked down at the dirty, bloody wounds.

It took me an hour to trek back towards Leo's house with my injuries but when I got back to the spot I

left him in, he was still there.

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank the Goddesses. At least now I only had a couple of scrapes on my knees

and Connor's very faint, fast fading scent to explain.

I crouched beside him and shook him gently. He began to stir and a few moments later had opened his


"What the fuck?" he murmured as he began to sit up, picking leaves out of his hair.

"You passed out," I told him.

"I...passed out?" he questioned. "I never pass out."

"You must have had more to drink than you knew," I said, biting my cheek as I lied to him.

"How long have I been out?" he asked, his eyes moving to me.

"Not long," I lied again.

His memory was probably foggy from the majority of the night, his sense of time completely lost.

This should be easy.

"Fuck," he said before he examined me more closely.

"Why do I smell blood?" he asked.

"Oh," I said, "I cut my knees."

He looked down at the grazes and frowned, "How the fuck did you do that? They're deep."

"I fell," I said.

"Have you been drinking too?" he asked smelling my breath.

I clenched my teeth, "A little."

"Fuck," he repeated before pulling a twig out of my hair, "I should have been watching you."

"What do you remember?" I asked.

"I remember catching a...popsicle?" he said, "And some sheep and then just kind of blackness..."

I breathed a sigh of relief. No memory of Connor.

"Somehow all of that is true...kinda," I replied, "Shall we go home?"

He nodded and I helped him stand. He stretched grimacing at the stiffness of his shoulders.

"Why didn't you call anyone?" he asked, "You've been sat out here basically alone? Anything could

have happened?"

And anything did happen.

"You fell onto your front and you keep your phone in your front pocket," I said quickly, "I couldn't roll you


"Note to self: in future pass out on my back," he said before taking my hand, "Come on. It's cold out


When we got home, Leo turned on the kitchen tap and ran a clean cloth under it.

"Come here," he said.

I came over and he put his hands on my hips lifting me up onto the counter. He then began to dab my

knees with the cloth.

"Jesus. In the light they look even worse," he said, "Seriously, how did you do this?"

"I told you," I said, "I fell over."

"Fell over what?" he asked, "A crocodile which then proceeded to maul you?"

The then grabbed my arm and examined a large bruise that stretched all the way along it.

"And this?"

"It was quite a fall," I said as he reached into the cupboard and pulled out some huge bandaids.

"How much did you really drink?" he asked sticking them to my knees.

"It was only beer," I said.

Not a lie.

"But how much beer?"

"Like two."

Okay, that was a lie.

He raised eyebrow.

"A little more than two," I said with a gulp.

"Who gave you it? It was Luca wasn't it?"

"If I say yes, will you kill him?" I asked.

"Fucking hell I'm going to kill him," Leo cursed finishing nursing my knees and pulling my dress back

down. "I made it clear to him that you weren't supposed to be drinking and what does he do?! I'm

gonna go and speak to him."

I quickly grabbed the house keys from the side and held them tight in my hand.

"How you gonna do that if the doors locked and you don't have the keys?" I asked with a smile.

He raised an eyebrow and reached for my hand but I only stood up on the counter and held them high

above my head. With that he grabbed me and lifted me down and carried me to the sofa where he lay

me down and straddled me. I managed to tuck my hand with the keys behind my back and giggled as

he tried to reach them.

"Give me the key," He said sternly.

"I don't have it," I laughed.

"Yes, you do," He said, smiling. "It's in your hand. Don't be immature."

"Nope," I said opening the other fist. "Why don't you kick the door down?"

"Because then I'd have to fix and why would I bother breaking a door I'd have to fix if my very

disobedient little mate has the key? Now open your other hand."

"No," I said rolling over to try and free myself. All I managed to do was roll over so he was completely

sat on my ass. Good one Ella.

There was an awkward pause as we both realised the position we were now in and Leo placed his

hands on my hips for a moment or two.

"Ella open your fist or I will tickle you until you can't breathe," He said running his fingers up my sides

like he was warming up.

"ahahah-never-ahahah," I screamed in-between squeals as he started to tickle. "Stop I might pee!"

He didn't listen and he was one good tickler. After a good minute of tickling, he picked me up and

carried me into the downstairs bathroom.

"I'll put your head in the cold shower," He threatened.

"You wouldn't," I said.

"I'm turning it on," He said as the sound of flowing water filled the room.

"I'm not giving in because of a bit of water!" I shouted.

"Very well," He said evilly before dunking my entire upper body into the shower.

"IT'S FUCKING FREEEEZING!" I screamed after a high pitched squeal.

He pulled me out from under the flow and put me down on the floor.

"You twat!" I said as I dripped and he laughed.

"Language," He warned.

Right, that's it! Time for revenge. I took the shower head and fired it in his direction.

"Bloody hell!" He shouted. "It is fucking freezing!" he said before he whipped off his soaking shirt pulled

me to the ground seizing the showerhead.

"LEO!" I shouted as he fired it down my dress. "YOU'RE SUCH A BULLY!" I laughed.

"Am I now? And what are you going to do about it?" He asked squirting water in my face causing me to

squeal again.

"Fight fire with fire- or water with water in this case," I said clasping the showerhead and twisting it into

his face.

"You are going to regret that," He warned all in good humour once he had managed to hit the off switch

and stood dripping from head to foot.

"Oh yeah?" I said with my cheekiest grin before he launched towards me. I dodged him just in time and

sprinted out the door and up the stairs.

"Ella Marie Jones!" He said from behind me. "Don't forget there's a cold shower up there too," He said


"Well, you can't get me any wetter so I think I can handle that," I said.

"You really think so?" He said with a mischievous smirk on his lips as he suddenly paused halfway up

the stairs.

"What?" I said puzzled turning around to face him.

"You think I can't get you any wetter?" He said raising an eyebrow. Realisation flooded me like a

tsunami. Why do boys have such dirty minds??!

"You're disgusting. You know that's not what I meant!" I said. He stood staring at me for a few moments

still with the same smirk on his lips. Suddenly, he lurched up the stairs entirely taking me by surprise

and once again pinning me to the ground.

I tried to push him off me but with no success.

"Did you ever learn how to fight?" he asked laughing at my attempts.

"No. Can you tell?"

"Yes. I'm surprised your father didn't ever teach you," he said.

"What makes you say that? What do you know about my father?" I asked.

"Nothing," he replied quickly. "So let me teach you a thing or two. This position is the easiest way to

control someone. It holds their arms, stops their legs from kicking and leaves their mouth free to talk,"

He said. "Try to get out of it."

I started thrashing around under his weight for a moment or two. I tried freeing my arms, freeing my

legs, head butting, biting, scratching all so that he could just sit there laughing at my attempts.

"You're doing it wrong," He said rolling us over so I was on top of him. "Okay so you are some rouge

and I am you, a beautiful young girl- very sexy, very desirable. I decided it would be a good idea to

leave the safety of my very strong, protective mate and walk through the forest all alone." He said

provocatively. I rolled my eyes.

"Or that same very strong, protective mate drank too much and passed out on the floor unable to

protect you from any dangers that might be lurking," I said teasingly.

"Well whatever the storyline is, I am in the forest with no protection. So you come along: a mateless

rogue that hasn't had sex in at least a month."

"Why must you put a dirty spin on this?" I asked.

"Do you want me to teach you or not?" He asked raising his eyebrow again. "When you see me you

can't believe your luck," He continued. "Put your hands on my wrists and hold as tight as you can," He

said lifting up his arms above his head.

"Okay," I said once I had done so.

"So let's pretend I am actually you," Leo said.

"What do you mean?" I said narrowing my eyes.

"Weak as a twig basically," He said putting it straight.

"You are lucky you are handsome, Leonardo," I said attempting to squeeze his wrists tighter so that it

hurt- clearly with no effect.

He smiled and lifted his head to peck me quickly on the lips.

"Okay, so I'm not going to thrash around and try to wriggle free. That's only going to tire me out and

provoke the rogue even more. All I'm going to do is lift up my hips and throw you off balance. Observe,"

He said before bucking his hips up and rolling us over. "Once I had done that I would punch you a few

times in the face or groin and run away," He said. "Now you try."

He straddled me again and held my arms against the floor. I tried the technique he showed me but it

didn't have any effect.

"You're too heavy," I panted. "Pretend to be an average sized wolf, not a fucking 6 ft 8 Alpha."

He lifted a little weight off me and I tried again this time with success.

"So that technique works on everyone except you, the person who does it the most?"

"I don't want you to be able to stop me," He said rolling over so he was on top of me again.

"Why not?" I asked. "If I can deal with you I can deal with anyone."

"Yes but it would make play fighting less fun," He laughed.

"What because you wouldn't always win?" I replied.

"Winning is the best bit," He stated.

"Shut up," I said.

"That was mean," He said pretending to look hurt.

"Oh no did I offend fragile little Leo?" I said sarcastically.

"You are in a very vulnerable position to be tickled right now, young lady," He said looking down at my

dress which stuck to my skin with dampness.

"You wouldn't dare," I said putting my serious face on.

"Oh yeah?" He said raising an eyebrow. "I'm actually quite a daring person." Before I knew it I was

squealing with laughter, he somehow knew all the right spots.

"....STOP....." I said in-between laughs. My sides were aching and I could barely breathe.

"Okay...okay but from now on every one of my threats is going to be tickling. If you're not scared of me

then it's the only way to make you obey me."

"Dickhead," I panted.

"What was that?" He asked raising his hands above my stomach again.

"Nothing..." I replied This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

"That's what I thought," He said smiling at me. We stayed in silence for a few moments before he

slowly leant down and gently kissed my lips. He put his hands on either side of my face as I kissed him

back. We were lying right above the stairs kissing- living on the edge of what?

"Don't stop," Leo demanded as I began to pull away. For the first time in a while, I actually did what he

said and leant back into the kiss. I felt one of his hands slowly slip down to my waist. It lingered there

for a bit whilst we continued to kiss before it moved further down to my ass.

"Leo..." I warned pulling his hand back to my waist. A few moments later it moved back and had a

sneaky squeeze. "Leo!" I said stopping the kiss. He was still straddling me but my arms and hands

were free.

"I'm sorry I couldn't control myself," He said looking down from my eyes to my boobs which were only

covered by my bra as my wet dress sagged down, becoming see-through with water.

"Well try harder," I said before I noticed his stare. "LEO!" I shouted.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He said shaking his head and looking back at my face.

"I said try harder to control your self!" I said as he lurched forwards and rested his hand on my chest.

Immediately slapped him off.

"LEO!!" I shouted.

"My hand slipped!" He said defensively. "But I like your bra- very sexy," He added with a wink.

"Can you get off me now? You're kinda heavy," I said.

"You haven't given me the key yet," he said.

"I left it downstairs," I replied. "But it's late. You can talk to Luca tomorrow because believe me, you

aren't gonna get anywhere with him tonight. He was nearly as drunk as you and still drinking when we


He sighed, "Fine. I guess dry pyjamas would be nice right now."

I smiled and let him help me up.

How could I have considered leaving him?

"Agreed. You got me soaked," I said.

"Oh yeah, you got me absolutely soaked too," He said with a wink before walking into the bedroom.

"Disgusting child," I muttered.

"I'm 6 years older than you," He called back clearly having heard what I said (didn't surprise me).

"Fine, creepy old paedophile," I replied.

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