Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 78

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 78

Anger & Frustration


“Meet me at headquarters.” I said coldly.

Despite the shock his words had caused me, my voice was in control.

There was no way those drugs were tainted, I had got the best of the fucking best, I had checked them myself, as well as getting… Shane to check it all… that shipment had been. completely fucking fine.

I left the office swiftly heading downstairs when I saw Azura nibbling on a handful of freshly cooked, homemade chips. I could hear the oil sizzling in the kitchen, and the quiet hum told me Rosaline was here. Dad did say he’d ask her to move in as Corrado loved her cooking, I wondered if he thought this would be a permanent thing.

I didn’t fucking know what we were going to do yet, but I’d deal with that when things weren’t so fucking hectic.

I took a moment to appreciate the view of my Sexy Little Psycho. She was fucking fine….

“Thank you, Rosaline!” Azura called before her attention fell on me, “I was hungry.” She added guiltily, walking over to me and popping one in my mouth.

I bit into it, grabbing hold of her waist, and drawing on the calm she offered. “Eat away without guilt, Beautiful.” I kissed her lips softly as she munched on her chips, pecking me back.

A frown creased her brow, and she cupped my face with her free hand. “What’s wrong?”

“Am I that obvious?” I asked, kissing her neck. She moved back slowly, my aim to distract her

had failed.

“Leo, did the meeting go ok? I just saw Marcel looking lost in thought too.”

I raised an eyebrow, pulling her close and kissing her lips. “The meeting went fine; not sure what Dad’s issue is, but I have something I need to deal with. I’m going to fucking step out, alright?”

She nodded slowly, wrapping one arm around my neck, “Is everything ok?”

“It will be, I’ll fill you in when I get back.” I said quietly.

She frowned, “Why can’t I come?”

“Azura, it’s not the best of times for me to take you-” She cut me off, pressing her lips to mine before giving that doe–eyed pout.

“Please? I’ll pay you back with something.” She whispered, pressing her thigh against my crotch. “I could get a little dirty?” a

No more secrets…

“Isn’t it pretty late? Aren’t you tired?”

“I napped, remember?” She countered.


Her smile spread, and she quickly pulled away. “I’ll go grab my shoes!”

I frowned as I waited for her, I couldn’t fucking think straight. How the fuck did this happen? She returned looking concerned. “I just realised Winona isn’t here, Corrado is asleep, but let me ask Marcel if he’ll keep an eye on him.”

She was the perfect mother to our son, for her to keep him in mind… I was fucking proud of her. She peeked into the lounge, and I heard her asking Marcel, who willingly agreed, before she ran to the kitchen returning a few moments later, holding a square of newspaper that contained freshly salted chips. “Ok let’s go.”

I raised an eyebrow, gripping her chin for a second and running my thumb across her plump. lips. “Let’s go.”

We headed out and I held her waist as we made our way to the apartment block, and to my underground car park, and got into one of the cars. “Are we leaving pack grounds?”

“Not exactly.” I replied.

We got in, and I drove towards the exit that now opened up, leading down the weaving tunnels which ran beneath the back territory.

“How did the meeting go?” She asked and I filled her in, leaving out her brother’s attitude.

I ran circles on her thigh, letting my fingers brush over the net tights. “Do you think he somehow sensed your powers?” I asked after a moment, referring to Judah.

She frowned, tilting her head as she slowly bit into another chip. For a second I got distracted by those lips before she sighed. “I don’t know, I don’t have an aura or something unless I activate that power, which by the way I’m working on it isn’t always easy.”

Maybe I was wrong… “How exactly did you meet him?”

She leaned back, lost in thought, before exhaling heavily. “I don’t really remember much but… I was at a club, we spotted each other from across the room, and it kind of just started from there. He was… you know, the typical bad boy standing there smoking a joint, not giving two fucks that he shouldn’t be

doing that inside the club…” Jealousy reared its ugly head at just the thought of him touching what was mine.

She continued, and I did my fucking best to mask those emotions. “I headed to the dance floor, and he soon joined me… We didn’t even speak, but he wanted to see me again before the night was over, and I had to get back to the academy since I’d be screwed if they found I wasn’t in my dorm. So, I gave him my number, intrigued by the mysterious stranger, and from there, it just went from one thing to another. He always made out like he understood me, I realise now that was just one big lie. No one got me, ever, no one but you.”

I looked at her sharply, not expecting that, but she was staring at her lap.

“He was a bastard who saw a gorgeous girl and wanted her, it’s not your fucking mistake, we all make fucked up decisions and you’ve got to remember you were only eighteen.”

She smirked, looking up at me, before slowly resting her head against my shoulder. “I wish I met you sooner…”

Me too.

She sighed softly, and I didn’t push her for more, it was obvious it was a topic she didn’t like

to discuss.

We soon parked up in the stone cave, and we got out as Azura looked around. “We’re underground.

“Yeah, we’re still on pack territory.” I said, noticing that the other three were already here by the cars. I walked to the far wall and pressed a niche on the wall. It slid open, and I placed my hand on the tablet, letting it scan my hand before the wall rumbled slightly and it split open. “Damn.” Azura murmured, impressed, as I slid my hand around her waist and stepped into the underground headquarters of the

most vital members of the Heimtückische Wölfe. There were a few entrances to this place, so everyone could make their way here undetected. 1

All three pairs of eyes turned on us, clearly shocked to see Azura here. She was too busy looking around the completely aluminium–walled room to notice, observing the layout.

There was a table with a large screen behind it on the far side, a sofa area, with a fireplace to the right, and a drink bar. A wall opposite held many notes, maps, and pictures, a shelf full of files was right next to it. There were a couple of tables to the side, and two doors that led off. One that led to a weapon room.

“Alpha… Luna…” Jin said as we walked over, and I took my seat at the head of the table, pulling Azura onto my lap, trying not to stare at her breasts.

“What happened?” I asked coldly, turning to the men. ‘This won’t be pleasant.‘ I added through the link. She simply wrapped her arm around my neck, making Jax smirk despite the gravity of the situation.

“Perfect couple.” He winked, before becoming serious. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“There were some reports on the news about the rising level of drugs circulating, and people are ending up dead due to a new substance. Dan did some digging, and well, it’s our shipment, Leo.” Jin frowned.

“Are you fucking sure? I checked them when they came into the country.” I questioned. “I have a small dose in my possession, and I’m certain it’s fine.”

“Hundred percent sure, I checked one of the last few batches left but I’ll also double–check the pack you’ve got.” Dan added, pushing a file over to me as he glanced at Azura, who was frowning as she listened quietly.

I took a cigarette out, lighting it, before I flicked the file open. My heart thudded when I saw the substance that was added to the drugs. “Something that’s the same fucking texture…” I murmured.

“Yeah…” Jax nodded.

“Then it was done from within.” I said taking a drag on my cigarette and tossing the file onto the table with a resounding snap. Only a few of my men had access to that shipment…

“Impossible, there’s only a few of us who…” Jax trailed off as all three men looked at me when I shook my head.

“It’s fucking possible.” I frowned, one name coming to mind, igniting an inferno of anger through me and I knew if Azura wasn’t in my lap, I wouldn’t be fucking sitting here. The table fell silent, and I knew they’d click soon enough. After a moment, Jax looked up sharply. “Emmet wasn’t in prison when we had the shipments arrive. In fact, he was the one who did

one of the final checks of the final packing of the shipment…” He said standing up, kicking the


“Yeah,” I said quietly, trying to control my anger, my eyes blazing. “That or he has help from


“That bastard has caused way fucking more shit than necessary! Why haven’t you killed him, Leo!” Jax growled.

“Jackie’s no longer around. I’m with Jax on this one. Kill him.” Dan said roughly, he was usually one of the calmer ones, but I didn’t blame him. He didn’t look up, staring at the table, his heart thudding and I knew he was still beating himself up over what happened to Jackie.

“Killing him won’t change his mistakes.” I said quietly, kissing Azura’s neck. Her scent pleasantly intoxicating and relaxing.

“No, it won’t. But it will be a befitting punishment for him.” Jax growled.

I shook my head slowly, “He will be tried before the pack, and from there his punishment will be decided… The question is, why? Why the fuck did he do that shit?” I frowned coldly.

Azura tilted her head, as Jin shook his head. “To ruin your reputation?”

“Or he needed the money?” Azura added, she had been silent for a while, and I nodded as all eyes turned on her.

“That makes more sense, although it could be hitting two birds with one stone. If he fucked the drugs up, it means he had to remove a large quantity to replace, after all, he probably needed the cash for the bullets he was selling on the side.” I said quietly.

His betrayal would never really be something I’d forget. We grew up together, with this dream of creating a perfect world… Then what did I do for him to hate me so much?

Was it even worth talking to him once more?

“He’s a loser, one who is wasting oxygen by just living.” Jax said, his eyes flashing.

“Calm the fuck down, think rationally. We’ll deal with Emmet, he’s in prison. Our focus should be on that dinner, which is becoming far more fucking vital than ever… As for the drugs, buy them all back for a higher price, even if it is through their dealers. Have there been any complaints?”

“Not yet, I don’t think people will care unless, of course, the law starts asking questions and tracking them down.” Jin added.

Fuck, this shit was just not needed… This was meant to be my last fucking shipment… but it seemed even if it was the last one… it wasn’t going to fucking just let me step away completely fucking clean.

Azura’s hand ran up my chest, ‘You got this.’ She said through the link, her hand slipping into my shirt as she ran her hand up my neck before leaning in and kissing me softly. I kissed her back sensually before moving back.

“Everything will be taken care of at this dinner. As for Emmet, he will get what’s coming to him.” I said, my eyes blazing dangerously as I stared at the open file on the table.

You went one fucking step too far Emmet, and even I was beginning to feel that you really did deserve a punishment worse than imprisonment. Speaking to him wouldn’t give any answers,

but there were a couple of ways to make him talk.

“We need to find his hideout; he must be keeping the drugs where he was creating the bullets. We find that location, and I’m certain we will find far more. I will have Dad put him under the Alpha command, and then I’ll question him.” It was something I never wanted to resort to… but time was running out, and things were getting far more fucked up than they ever should have. My Alpha command would not be as strong as Dad’s and as long as he held the title, Emmet was bound to him as his Alpha, not me.

“Got it… does that mean you will tell the Alpha the truth?” Jin asked quietly.

“I intended to anyway,” I replied quietly, looking into Azura’s eyes. She gave a small nod. ‘He won’t judge you; you’ll see.‘ She replied confidently through the link.

We will see…

Nothing stays hidden forever… and just like that, we’ll find out everything we fucking needed


“So, is our Luna also our new Cartel queen?” Jax asked with a smirk.

Before I could even reply Azura smirked. “Maybe, I think I’d fit in perfectly, I’m really good with a staple gun.” 5

I simply raised an eyebrow, that was not a world I wanted her in… They carried on talking and joking lightly as I turned my thoughts to the upcoming dinner.

Shit was going to fucking go down.. 3

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