Alpha King’s Special Soulmate


THEME: War Drums

(Avery’s Point of View)

My eyes widened in shock at the sight in front of me. Warriors stood outside our home. I was confused for some moments. I recognized the emblem on the warriors outfits. They are men from the Black moon Pack. Why are they here?

“Men of Black moon Pack there’s no need to declare war. Our Pack only asked for Alpha Alex’s help,” Juan said.

A man from Black moon Pack stepped closer. “Young Alpha we are not here for the contract.” He’s definitely not an Alpha because he bowed to Juan and my dad.

“Then why are you here with your war men general?” James asked, annoyance clear in his tone.

“We’re here to take what belongs to us.” the general answered. And the other men parted for someone. A man appeared wearing a black cloak. The aura around him was strong and I knew he was an Alpha, Alex the Alpha of Black moon Pack.

Dad walked forward to meet him halfway. “Good to see you again Alex,” my dad greeted.

“Sorry we’re meeting like this again,” Alex apologized.

“I do not have anything that belongs to you,” Dad said.

“Of course you do Lance,” Alex chuckled.

“Then what is it?” Dad demanded.

“Is she your child?” Alex asked as his eyes did a slow crawl on me.

“Yes, she’s our last child,” Mom answered Alex.

“Forgive me Luna. It’s good to see you again.” He smiled.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Likewise,” Mom muttered.

“Well my son went hunting with his men this afternoon but unfortunately he was attacked by a wolf hunter.” He stopped.

“Oh! sorry about that Alex,” my dad said.

“Have you treated him?” Mom asked.

Alex nodded. “It’s nothing big. My son is strong enough to heal but he needs his mate to heal rapidly,” Alex blurted out. My heartbeat raced at the mention of mate.

“Has your son found his mate?” Juan asked.

“Yes and I’m here to get her,” Alex replied.

I looked up at him and our gaze locked.

“Perhaps is your son’s mate from my Pack?” Dad asked.

“Yes Lance.”

“Who is she? Tell me Alex so I can ask my men to fetch her,” Dad said.

Alex gave me a small smile. “She is my son’s mate.” he said.

My family gasped out in shock and my eyes widened in surprise.

“… Avery Lance is Kayden Scott’s mate,” Alex blurted out. I shut my eyes, my heartbeat pounding against my chest like it was going to pop out anytime soon.

Oh no, this can’t be happening! Kayden Scott the next Alpha of Black moon Pack is my mate. That explains the aura I sensed around him at the club. And when he mentioned that my wolf wandered about in his territory… oh dear Goddess, this is a dream! Somebody please wake me up!

“That’s impossible!” James shouted. And I reopened my eyes immediately.

“Why is it impossible?” Alex asked but got no response from James. “Lance, aren’t you aware your daughter knows her mate?” Alex asked again.

“Alex, there must be a mistake somewhere. Avery hasn’t found her mate yet,” my dad retorted.

He doesn’t know! Oh dear… I should have told him. I panicked.

“She knows my son is her mate but she rejected him!” Alex spat out, earning gasps from my family.

“Alex-” Dad was interrupted by alpha Alex.

“Their first meeting was at the club ten days ago. My son tried to talk to his mate but she fled. The second meeting was seven days ago when she crossed my territory in her wolf form. My son found her but she almost rejected him.” Alex finished. I could sense the anger in his tone. “Why don’t you just ask her?” he added.

My dad turned to face me. “Bumblebee.. is that true?” he asked in a low tone. I bowed my head to avoid his gaze.

“Yes dad,” I whispered.

“Holy shit!” James uttered a profanity.

I couldn’t look at any of them.

“Bumblebee…” Dad paused. I couldn’t look him. I could imagine the look of disappointment in his expression. I had hid such a thing as finding my mate from him, I was too embarrassed to look at anyone.

“I’m not leaving your territory until I have her with me. My son needs his mate to heal completely,” Alex said. Tears pooled in my eyes. That also explained the pains I felt this afternoon. It must have been the same time the hunter attacked my mate.

“And I also want to know the reason why she rejected my son.” Alpha Alex spat out.

“Alex, please give me some time to talk to my child. Even though it’s not right, she must have a reason for almost rejecting her mate,” my dad said calmly.

“Let it be a good one so I can consider our contract.” Alex snorted. Juan gestured to one of his men to lead Alex and his men to the guest house.

“Why didn’t you inform me that you have found your mate?” my dad snarled and I jumped in fear. He has never yelled at me like this before. “You made look like a fool Avery!” he yelled. And I could see the clear anger on his expression.”What sort of father do you want Alex to see me as? A Father who is incapable of running a home or even a pack? A Father who doesn’t care about his children?” he questioned.

“No… no… dad-” I stuttered.

“You found your mate and you almost rejected him! Who does that Avery?” Juan asked in a raised tone.

“And didn’t you think about his feelings too?” Dad shouted. His words echoed in my mind. Tears streamed down my face and I couldn’t control them.

“Relax honey, Avery must have a reason for rejecting her mate.” Mom tried to calm him down.

“What she did was wrong!” he blurted out.

“I know.” Mom nodded in agreement.

“Avery did you reject him because he is the future Alpha of Black moon Pack?” Aubrey asked softly.

I shook my head. “No, I didn’t reject him. I just don’t want him. And I wasn’t even aware that he was Kayden Scott,” I answered.

“That’s because you didn’t give him a chance to talk to you the night you met him at the club!” Dad growled.


He cut mom off. “Let her know what she did wasn’t fair enough. If Alex hasn’t been nice then rejecting his son would have caused a big problem between our territories. And do you know what means? War, war!” Dad snarled.

Damn it! I should have thought of my people and not my personal feelings.

“Dad you really have to calm down and listen to Avery,” Aubrey said. Dad hesitated before settling on the couch. “Why did you reject him Avery?” Aubrey placed her hands on mine.

I swallowed hard and spoke up. “I… I… thought… accepting him would disturb my dreams,” I sobbed.

“What!” They gasped in sheer surprise.

“What do you mean?” James frowned. I wiped my cheeks.

“Juan changed course because he found Juliet. And you Aubrey, you didn’t get to do the things you planned because you found Donald too.” I hiccuped, trying to calm my breathing. “James didn’t go to Australia because he didn’t want to leave Ava. So I just thought accepting my mate would affect my studies too. I am sorry dad. I am so sorry… I didn’t mean to hurt you or make you look like a fool. I swear I was also surprised to find out that my mate is the future Alpha of the Pack that refused to help you. And if I had known his identity, then I wouldn’t have hesitated in accepting him to save our pack. I am so sorry.” I sobbed in my palms.

“Please forgive me dad.” I cried for a long time and no one said anything.

“You are mistaken Bumblebee.” I raised my head when I felt his hands in my shoulder.

“None of that happened the way you see it,” Juan said calmly. “I didn’t give up medicine because of my mate. I just realized that I needed to help dad. As an Alpha I can’t move around in white coat because I have to run the affairs of the Pack.” He explained.

I looked up at him. So that’s it!

“Avery, I didn’t run for my degree because I found out I was carrying Donald’s child and so we agreed to have our children before I run for the program again,” Aubrey said.

“About traveling to Australia, I found out it was a trap to ruin our Pack. That was why I rejected it. But where did you get the impressions that we gave up our dreams because of our mates?” James exclaimed.

I was wrong, so wrong! Why didn’t I question Juan, Aubrey and James for making such decision?

“I don’t think we should blame Avery for her decision. It’s our fault that she doesn’t want her mate.” My mom said calmly.

“How is it our fault?” James asked.

“It’s our fault because we excluded her from every plan we make in the family. We thought she was too young to get involved. And so she didn’t know your real reasons for making some decisions because we hid so many things from her.” Mom explained.

We lapsed into silence. “You are right mom.” Juan agreed.

“But she shouldn’t have rejected him.” James said.

A ugly sob escaped my mouth again. I was wrong, it was so wrong of me to reject my mate. I just jumped into conclusion that finding your mate meant distraction.

“Avery accepting your mate won’t stop your studies.” Juan said.

“As long as you get to reach an agreement with him.” Aubrey added.

“I still have two years to end my course and I also want to get an extra degree. Would my mate be willing to wait for me?” I asked.

“Only him can answer that, just try to have an understanding with him.” James said.

“And does that mean that I have to leave our Pack?” I asked with a sad face.

“I am sorry Bumblebee, you have to leave today to be with him.” Dad patted my shoulder gently.

I can’t believe that I have to leave our Pack to be with my mate!

“I don’t want to be away from-”

Aubrey interrupted me. “Your mate needs you.”

So yeah, I am really going to leave my Pack House!

“It’s a pity we can’t hold a party for you. You have to meet your mate quickly.” James said soberly.

We always hold a party in our house each time one of us finds a mate.

“I’ll go ahead and talk to Alex.” Dad said.

“I am coming with you.” Juan stood up and left the house with dad.

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