Accidentally Married

Branch One Hundred and Sixty Eight

Xavier could not believe his ears. How could someone who claimed to be related to another treat her relative this way? He was trying to control himself from lashing out at the woman.

“So in order save yourself you allowed for your niece….. My wife to be kidnapped?” he asked.

Olivia could tell from the other side of the line that he was angry and trying his best to control his anger.

“Did you not encourage her not to give me money when I requested some? If I had the money as I requested I would have paid those men off and now this won’t be happening”

“You are so shameless, you will be hearing from my lawyer soon, I do not care if you are related to her, I would make sure you get the maximum punishment because you aided the kidnap of my wife,” he said before swiping the call off.

He drove into the deserted warehouse. He tried to listen in but dead silence greeted him back as a response. As he got out he noticed the other card parked in a distance.

A tall well-built man with broad shoulders came out of one of the cars and walked towards him. Although he had not seen him in years he recognized him immediately.

“Mr. Delgado,” Richard said as he stood before his hands in the pocket of his trousers. He looked lazy unlike how he was known to be.

“Where is she?” Xavier asked.

Of all the thongs he just wanted to make sure that Jessica was all right. He knew he would have the mental capacity to deal with everything else once he was sure that she was fine.

“Still in there” Richard answered pointing to the door of the warehouse.

Xavier was glad that Richard was there, he did not know what to expect at the other side of the door, although he had belts in various martial arts he knew that the men at the other side of the door would be very skilled fighting.

“My men would take care of the situation and bring out your wife,” he said gesturing to the men who had now come out of the cars and stood beside them waiting for directives.

The men walked in sync as if they were being controlled by a big remote. They walked to the door and opened it up and entered the place.

Richard and Xavier followed behind and watched as the men attacked and defended themselves against the other group of men.

“This was not our agreement” a voice resounded through the house.

Xavier looked around and his eyes caught the man standing on the top floor with Jessica in his arms. He pulled her closed and tsked at the fighting men on the ground floor.

“I told you to come alone and with a lot of money too” the man laughed.

“Let her go,” Xavier said as he walked towards the stairs slowly.

“What if I let her go?”

The man said with a chuckle that would make you want to peel away your skin. He bent her head to the railings. Jessica sniffed as the smell of the rushed metal filled her nose.

“Let her go now,” Xavier said as he climbed the stairs trying his best to keep his eyes on Jessica.

“Mr, all I need is the money I am being owed,” the man said.

“Let her go and I will give you what you want” Xavier replied.

“Why? Do I look like a fool to you?” the man shouted out. “You had the gust to deceive me? Where is my money?” he added in a scream

“I would get you your money, just let her go”

“Shut up bitch” the man screamed at Jessica who was trying her best to communicate although her mouth was muffled with a piece of thick clothing.

“Don’t you dare scream at her again” Xavier warned the man as he continued to climb up the stairs.

“Or what?” the man said pulling Jessica up by the hair and dragging her to himself. “Or what?” he asked again as he laughed when she winced in pain.

The interaction did not allow either party to see one of the men of Richard doing a stunt to go behind the man who now had Jessica firmly in his hands. The man hit him across the head which led him to stagger and let go of Jessica who began to run. Her hands were tied behind her back so she could barely get forward when Xavier ran to catch her.

“Do not worry, you can take your wife and leave, we will clean up properly” Richard said as he walked up to the two men now throwing punches at each other.

Xavier held Jessica in his hand as she sobbed from the pain. She had said she would be strong but seeing Xavier at that moment did something to her insides that broke her.

“Are you fine?” Xavier asked as he fumbled with the huge rope that tied her hand tightly.

She nodded as the tears flowed freely from her face. “Hang in there, we would soon be at the hospital” Xavier whispered as he untied the last of the knots on the rope.

Jessica sniffled and cleaned the tears that had fallen from her eyes. Now that her hands were free she clutched tightly to his and rested her head on his chest.

“I was so afraid” she murmured into his chest.

Xavier stroked her head. He wanted to stay and make sure that those men were punished but getting her to safety first was the most important thing to him at that moment and he was not going to trade it for any other thing.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

His hands went over her and he lifted her from the ground in bridal style. He was going to trust Richard for now and then come back to deal with those men once he was sure Jessica was safe.

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