Accidentally Married

Branch One Hundred and Ninety Seven

“Joshua?” Jessica asked shocked.

Whenever she had wanted to discuss names Xavier had avoided it cunningly so she stopped bringing it up with him and began to think of names for herself. She had come up with names but she did not like any of them.

“Yes, his name is your maiden name and his middle name is Papa’s name so he is named after him” Xavier explained.

“I love it” Jessica replied at hid thoughtfulness to include both families in the naming of the baby. It is dawned on him that he was preparing something like this and that was why he avoided the conversation whenever she brought it up.

“I will prepare the certificate. Congratulations once again” the doctor said before filing out of the room with her team.

“Let me hold on to him,” Jessica said stretching her hand to take the child from Xavier who had been tightly clutching onto the baby and watching his face from time to time.

He stretched the baby to her and she took him from him. “I am so glad I had a son” she muttered.

“I am too”

“I thought you wanted a girl?”

“But I would not complain if I end up with a male child too,” he said and she smiled.

She would have been content if it was a girl too. She would not have minded the gender as long as the child was healthy.

“I better call Roselle she must be worried,” Xavier said pulling his phone from his pocket.

“Do not forget to tell Genevieve and Olivia and our friends too” Jessica said not pulling her gaze from the child.

Jessica later managed to convince Xavier to help Olivia get out of serving time and she left their lives. She only asked to be given occasion updates so she knows that they are all doing fine.

“I will tell them all know,” he said with a chuckle. He spent the next few minutes spreading the good news and it was such a wonder how his smile could not leave his face.

When the nurse came back to take the baby for the test to ensure the baby was healthy Jessica was hesitant to let her take her baby away but later complied when Xavier convinced her.

“You also need rest,” Xavier said helping her lay down on the bed. “Roselle said she would be here soon with meals good for mothers who just had a baby”

“Can you say that again?” Jessica said with sleepy eyes.


“Mother” she whispered.

“Mother” Xavier called her rubbing her shoulders.

“Can I also ask you to…”

“Father,” she said before he could complete his statement.

“I like the sound of that” Xavier murmured gently as he gently rubbed her shoulders till she drifted to sleep.

By the time Roselle came, she was fast asleep. “How soon can she go home?” Roselle asked happily.

“The doctor said she would be good to go home by tomorrow” Xavier replied.

“I am sure the chairman is watching us from above in extreme happiness”

“Thank you, Papa,”

The week following was all jubilation and joy in the house of the Delgado. The press and bloggers referred to the baby as the silver spoon of the century. While the entire city rejoiced Xavier and Jessica were finding it difficult to keep up with being new parents.

Leslie and Brian shared their experiences with them before they had the baby but they thought it was over-told tales as usual. Now that they were experiencing the nonstop tears of their son at night they knew that the stories circulating life about childbirth were true.

“Can you please stop crying?” Xavier asked as he took Joshua into his hands.

The boy had woken up by two a. m. and had had a full city out session for thirty minutes straight. Jessica had first taken the pain of standing up to get him but now she had come to give him to Xavier because she could not get him to stop.

Xavier rocked him for ten minutes before the cries began to subside and stop. “Finally” Xavier murmured as he sat down.

“Oh my god, so I am a bad mother? Or does my baby not like me?” Jessica said with tears coming down her face.

She had thought that the emotions that came with pregnancy were extreme but the post-childbirth era showed her that she had yet to experience something. She cried about everything and she watched her emotions change at the slightest things.

“Jessica we have talked about this”

For Xavier keeping up with his wife who had her emotions all over the place and constant crying baby was a lot for him. This was something he had never experienced before. He looked forward to fatherhood but never thought it would be this difficult. It was fulfilling to see his son but he did not know if he could keep up.

“He hates me” she murmured again. “He only stopped crying when I gave him to you”

“He stopped crying because she was tired of crying. If you had held him for a few more seconds he would have stopped crying while you held him”

“Why am I such a bad mother? I can not stop my baby from crying” she said weeping.

“Stop crying,” he said trying to put her at ease. He picked up his phone and called Leslie hoping this was one of the times the twins kept both of them awake. He knew that as long as she saw she was not alone in this situation she would feel a little bit better.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hello?” Leslie said over the phone. From her tone, it was obvious she had been awake.

“The twins keeping you up?” Xavier asked. He had turned to someone who became free with those close to Jessica. It was like she cast a spell on him. Alicia and Leslie could hardly get used to it.

“Of course, what sane person would be awake by this time otherwise?” she asked. One could hear the tiredness in her voice.

The twins were two months older than Joshua and Xavier wanted Jessica to know that it was not because she was a bad mother but just because that was the way babies were.

“Can you help talk to Jessica? She has been crying” Xavier asked.

“Put her on the line”

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