A wife for my brother


Again the game of glances, with which thousands of words were said without speaking. The unspoken body language, the small smiles, the hands hidden in their hair or arms, the slight movements, the magical sensation of creating an invisible tension in the air that communicated them. Daniel’s blood was beginning to boil and he still couldn’t take a step in her direction.

The expressionless face gave one message, but the fire in his eyes, another. Deanna didn’t understand, was it because of Beverly? Was her fear that he no longer loved her true? She bit her mouth, hesitating. What had he come for then? To show her that love had died for her and now he had another, more suitable, woman by his side.

Hours passed, but there was no reaction from him. She felt her soul slipping from her body, she ached. She didn’t know that he was about to die, bearing that jacket over her body as if it were Leonard’s hand marking the point he couldn’t cross. That he wanted to take it off, make it a bun on the floor and fill her skin with kisses to erase Reed’s stamp; to reinitiate her body with his as if she had never left him.

Beverly was growing more uneasy by the minute, she knew that silent exchange between them, she had witnessed it once. She wanted to get him out of there before he did something crazy and left her alone in full view of everyone. She tried to talk to him, using the low tone, but he couldn’t hear her; it was background noise in his head. She should just keep holding on until it was all over, she was never going to leave his side.

Leonard had been watching them all night. What a jerk, Crusher! He couldn’t get it through his head how he could resist like that and he could see Deanna’s eyes slowly fading. The kids were due to leave and Charles and Susan would take them home, it was getting late. They greeted her and Deanna thought that was it, that he would be leaving too. But when they left, Daniel was still in the same place.

A couple of old businessmen who knew Leonard approached, seeking the lady’s attention.

– Dear, I congratulate you for that incredible presentation – said one of them.

– Thank you very much.

Reed knew them, knew they were a couple of creeps like him, so he hurried to stand next to them.

-That’s right, Miss Burnhamm, a delight! – The other complimented her.

Deanna looked at Leonard who was drinking from a glass next to her.

– Burnhamm Reed – She answered him and Leonard almost choked on his champagne.

– I beg your pardon? –

– Burnhamm Reed is my last name, but you can call me Deanna –

– Wow! I didn’t know that… Congratulations Leonard! –

Her father looked at her and looked like he was going to cry. His smile grew and his chest filled with pride. The old men withdrew, murmuring Leonard had divorced Alice to marry the young girl? Unbelievable!

– What? – she asked him when they were alone.

– Are you sure? –

– Do you think you can fix it? –

– Give me two hours, I’ll wake up everyone at the town hall –

And so she told him that she forgave him, that she loved him and wanted everyone to know he was her father. He felt overwhelmed, ecstatic, insane. At least Leonard would be there to shoulder her tears that night, because she was already beaten. Daniel would not reach her.

She handed the jacket back to her father and put a hand on his cheek.

-I’ll go change… I want to go home… I’m tired,” her eyes had gone completely out.

Daniel’s life stopped when he saw her touch him. Deanna wouldn’t reach for him and that same sense of defeat made him lower his head. She had only toyed with him as she sang, showing him what he had lost and would never have again. The oxygen chilled in his lungs. He set the cup he had cradled all night without drinking from it on the table and settled his jacket, he would leave.

Leonard’s head was exploding with rage. How could he be such a stupid guy! Seriously, what had Deanna seen in him, for God’s sake! He called Marcus aside and whispered something in his ear.

– Find a pretext to take him to the entrance of the dressing rooms, tell him anything before I smash his face –

– What for? –

– That fool is going to hurt her again… I can’t believe I have to intervene! –

Marcus had to think fast, very fast, Crusher was already heading for the door in the company of the elegant woman. He walked giddily, hurrying his pace until he managed to intercept him.

– Daniel! Sorry I didn’t greet you before… How are you?

– Marcus, I’m fine, you? – His voice sounded strange.

– Good, good… Tell me, do you have a minute? –

– Is it urgent? I’d like to leave –

– Of course it’s urgent! Very urgent…

– Tell me… –

– Not here… It’s something personal, I’d like to discuss it alone… If you don’t mind, Miss …. –

Beverly didn’t know what to say. What did he want? Just as they were finally leaving.

– No… – She answered hesitantly.

– Magnificent! Please, come with me… this way.

He led him through the seats to the back of the stage. Daniel was confused.

– Marcus? What’s wrong? –

– Oh, yes! Wait for me… come, this way –

They reached the entrance to the dressing rooms and there he was: Leonard, arms folded, leaning against the wall.

– What is this? – Daniel asked him a bit annoyed.

– I’m sorry Daniel… I’m leaving now.

– Hey! – And Marcus went out of sight.

They looked each other straight in the eyes for a few seconds, all that hate. Daniel turned to leave.

– Where are you going? – Reed shouted at him.

He stopped and turned around.

– What do you want? –

-Believe me, I’m not happy about having to do this,” he replied, sitting up.

– What do you want Reed? –

– To talk about Deanna…

– I have nothing to talk to you about.

– You’re always inflexible, Crusher… But you’re also a pretty stupid guy… –

– I’ll leave, I don’t want to see you again…

– Hey! I’m not finished with you –

Daniel reached his limit, he had brought him there to taunt him, to let him know that Deanna now belonged to him completely, that having gone to the theater to make a fool of himself would do him no good. He approached him until he was inches from his face, threatening, ready to strike him. But Leonard didn’t lower his head, on the contrary, he lifted his chin and gave him an expression that said, “Go on, do it.”

-I suggest you think carefully about what you’re going to say, Reed.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

-I know what I’m going to tell you, Crusher… There’s a beautiful and talented woman in there, full of life; the sweetest of all, the most understanding and tender…”.

He began to tell him, pointing to one of the doors.

– And you think I don’t know that? – He answered him.

– Well, I don’t think so… For a successful businessman you are quite a wimp… You came all the way here in spite of everything to see her… –

– If you’re going to laugh, do it for once so I’ll have an excuse to smash your face in… –

Leonard smirked at him.

-She’s been trying to get your attention all night… What is it? Don’t tell me it’s Beverly, for God’s sake! –

He put his hand to his head and continued.

-I don’t know what she saw, I don’t get it… She’s very intelligent and perceptive and she has a knack for learning the plays from head to toe… I keep thinking that as a child she must have fallen down in some park… I don’t know… –

Daniel looked at him more and more confused.

-Anyway… She’s in there, probably crying, because of you, because you’re too slow, Crusher… She’s still in love with you, how come you don’t realize it? –

The expression of bewilderment and surprise on Daniel’s face must have been very exaggerated because Leonard wanted to laugh.

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