A Night With The King

Chapter 29

“She is not a thief, at least not until it is proven beyond doubt that she stole,”

Lance reprimanded.

“See? This is what I am saying, you are already defending her, innocent until proven guilty doesn’t work for her my king, she is the one you handed the diamonds to, whatever happened to it is her fault, you are not even concerned about finding it when you know just how important it is to the kingdom. I am sure you haven’t even asked her about it because all you want is to quote “Get so peaceful sleep”

Patrick let out. Lance couldn’t respond because he was right, he hasn’t asked Sophie about it again and he was also right about the diamonds being important to the kingdom which is why he plans on getting a replacement before anyone finds out that it is missing.

“I am going to get a replacement, it is not like it is one of a kind, I know it will cause me money but I don’t mind,”

He said. He knew Patrick was about to go crazy on him again and the man didn’t disappoint.

“You are out of your mind, What has she done to you?”

“Nothing, she hasn’t done anything Patrick, you are just overthinking things and blindly refusing to see things from my point of view,”

He replied.

“Yeah, you know why? It is because your point of view is not clear, you are losing focus because of her, and I am losing brain cells because of the both of you, no make that three because your wife-to-be won’t let me catch a break, which brings me to why I am here now, we have to meet with her before any of your meetings today or you might not have a special advisor anymore as she threatened to have me beheaded,”

Patrick disclosed. Lance didn’t want to meet that woman, nothing he does ever pleases her and she always has the craziest questions and suggestions.

“I am a very busy man, Patrick, you tell her that,”

Lance told him.

“You will have to tell her that yourself because I told her you will welcome her once she gets to the palace and she arrives in,”

he paused to check his watch and Lance stared at him in disgust, the least he could have done is tell that nagging woman that he was busy like he was.

“She will be here in thirty minutes, unless you want her to meet you in your chambers, you have to get ready and go meet her at the dining room where I already instructed the maids and chef to prepare breakfast,”

Patrick informed. Lance glared at him. He couldn’t remember the last time he ate at the diner. It was reserved for special events and meeting with Roseline doesn’t qualify as a special event.

“You did all that without telling me? I am the king!”

Lance let out.

“Yes, you are the king which is why I am telling you now, maybe her presence would knock you back to reality, hopefully,”

Patrick didn’t know what he was talking about. Lance couldn’t stand that woman and her being in the palace would not change that which is why he needed to man up and face the elders and tell them he wasn’t ready to be married. Thirty-three was still relatively young, he could always get married in his forties just to produce an heir; if not, he preferred to stay single forever. He could get any woman he wants when he wants them so why settle for being with a nagging spoiled princess?

“I am only meeting with her to get her off your back and not for any other reasons. And for Sophie, I have no plans of sleeping with her, I am willing to accommodate her until she is proven guilty or innocent, either way, she would leave the palace like I told you before. I will ask her again about the diamonds when I meet her,”

“It would be better if you don’t meet her again, let her be there and let the police do their job, she can always be taken for questioning and brought back to the emerald after,”

Patrick suggested but Lance didn’t buy the idea, they would yell at her and be harsh towards her and he didn’t want that.

“I will do it myself and that is final, if anyone is going to be questioned at the police station and also by me, it would be the driver, he has a lot to answer for because the last time I spoke to him, his story wasn’t adding up if they are questioning him, I want every of the conversation recorded.”

He instructed.

“Yes, your majesty,”

“Also look into finding any surveillance cameras along the way, if we are going to find out what happened that day and not just blindly accuse someone then we should do it properly, I would have said the car’s black box but I don’t know if that would still be intact,”

Lance let out. he should have thought of all these on that day, would have saved him a lot of stress but he had been so focused on her and the fact that the driver had painted her as the villain made him lose focus, now he wanted to do things the right way because there is no way a fragile woman like that can overpower him and shoot him, if he insisted there were other people, then he would have not been able to get away alive.

“I will check just to be certain. The driver has been at the hospital since the whole thing happened. If his story is indeed true then there is no need for the black box to be missing or tampered with since it would help his story, except he has something to hide.”

Patrick said and Lance relaxed, glad that Patrick was finally seeing things the way it was.

“Thank God my Patrick is back,”

Lance commented.

“I am not your Patrick young man, also I never went anywhere if you didn’t notice,”

Patrick scolded.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, old man, I get you, can I take a break now?”

Lance asked even though he knew he ought to go take a bath to go get breakfast with that crazy princess.

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