A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 65 Chapter 62

Chapter 65 Chapter 62

Kavi's POV

The air around us felt frozen from the presence of a powerful entity invading the place all of sudden.

Every millimetre around us was supercharged with Divinity.


A whisper escaped my mouth. It sounded strange to myself as I never called her like that. But my

instincts made that word slip out of me.

Two voices of laughter filled the air making surroundings go colder. A familiar voice and more powerful

voice could be felt through the laughter - the prime soul of our creator was here too along with our

creator. Their voice soothed my entire unease feel in heart and mind.

I embraced myself and fell on my knees on the ground to show my respect for them. When I raised my

head, I found Chandran too knelt on the ground.

"It seems like our little mistake had turned out to be bearing very interesting outcome!"

Prime creator's sweet voice filled the air.

A guilty familiar laugh filled the air confirming the communication was within them.

I raised my head and saw two white silhouettes floating above the surface of the moon. I could

differentiate them as one figure showing powerful aura but the other one was radiating something that I

have never experienced. The prime soul snapped her finger and teleportation portal dropped Aadhavan

from it. He looked around confused but his senses made him kneel before the creators.

"Raise my children! You guys made me wait for so long to come to this point. I am 'Destiny'. I create

'Time-my mirror souls' to overlook the Solar systems around the universe. I'm from Gnewerin, centre

most point of the universe. Many huge oval-shaped sparkling spheres similar to the eggs would be

neatly sat on the floor in rows and each egg would be connected through cosmic dust tube to the

centre point where the heart was situated.

Those Eggs bears the souls of powerful first formed lives on the universe. They were sent to different

void places to create the planets and life system. Not everyone can create lives. In fact, this is the first

solar system to create lives on the surface of a planet. And that's because of my mistake - My mirror

soul's mistake. She made a mistake of mixing up your souls. The one supposed to be bright as the sun

was released first by mistake and your soul did the duties dictated as the darkness attached to your

soul to do your duties.

I had gotten two choices. I could leave the single mistaken soul alone here till its life end or I could risk

mixing up the other souls to see what comes from this. Obviously, as you could see, I chose the latter.

The powerful dark one had chosen the position of being the balance instead of a Sun in another place.

But their basic nature stayed with them like a layer of dust in depth of their soul - The Goddess of

Darkness being considerate and The Moon God have gone crazy about powers. But the complicated

inner qualities and the position allocated to the Goddess of Darkness had turned this place into a

beautiful one. I predicted there was going to be life form here and it happened…" NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

I stood up and looked at their direction with a distant look - Her words kept us enlightened while she

spoke. I was too amused to visually see everything. But I felt the change in her aura and her body was

facing Chandran and Aadhavan.

"You men weren't worried about the way the human is going but kept blaming me for everything they

did. The planet once I admired the most was now turning out as a big trash can and space was already

started filling with them. Peace is nowhere to be seen. I want that situation to change.

You are a potential man, Aadhavan. But you were so much into guilt and regret. You cursed Maayan to

save your life but that curse had imprinted on you as a disgrace hence you suffer the broken heart. You

lost your chance to feel the bliss of love in this life.

You were given a chance to choose, Chandran. But you denied it. Envy! It filled your brain with trash

and see where you are now. At the feet of your fellow divine whom you want to take down. If you think

that you had killed her once with your genius brain, just know that wasn't the fact. It's her gestation

period. She had developed powers to control the darkness embedded within her to lead this solar

system in the right path. The way she left might be painful, but that was needed to keep her soul in a

determined state.

Unlike you, she had gotten more spiritual knowledge to treat every soul equal. She has to make the

human realize what they have been doing to their home. Her future holds the responsibility to make

human change. If they kept it going, another mass extinction will happen on the earth. A new era will

begin and the evolution will start from its scratch.

I have sent you here for being a balance. But you have paved a path to kill your fellow divine. And I

expected her to kill you for good like she showed no mercy for the rogue wolves she killed. But she still

holds onto a part of light in her heart despite transforming into complete darkness. Yet, the bright and

cool Moon has dark feeling in his heart. At least, I should involve now to make things right. You don't

deserve to be a divine here anymore. I am taking you back. You will get purified before starting your


Despite being blessed with divinity, my nerves were running cold with the anger of Destiny. My mind

was slowly processing not coming out of the stun. It all seems like a dream.

"Destiny! You have got me wrong. You are trusting the wrong person. She wasn't a strong person. She

is always so irresponsible. That attitude of hers made me hate her. And I know her duties are so huge.

She had shown her inefficiency many times. That's why I wanted to eliminate her to smoothen the

things in this solar system. I can't accept that you think so highly about her.

I won't go down without a fight. Take all our powers and let us fight. I will show you what she is made

of. That female has no strength compared to me without the divine powers. Please consider it as my

request and please accept it."

He was begging on his knees for a second chance. But my mind pitied him as he hadn't still realized

his mistake but just trying to bringing me down. He might have apologized to her by accepting his

mistakes and asked for a chance to live a right life. No! This is Chandran after all. I wondered what

Destiny was going to decide.

I waited for our Prime creator to reply to him. But a white gas appeared next to her and Chandran

clutched his heart and wailed in pain. Aadhavan rushed to me and pulled me away from the place and

forced me to space. I saw Chandran's body glowing bright and brighter. After a certain point, his body

glowed blindingly bright before he burst into dust. His soul form seems to be swallowed by the prime

creator and the brightness hanging over the place where Chandran was standing had been handed

over to the white gas stood next to the creators.

I clutched onto Aadhavan as I couldn't believe what had just happened. I closed my eyes tightly. My

feet felt the land and I realized Aadhavan had brought me down to the Moon again. I opened my eyes

slowly. The brightest aura seems to be missing while the gas came near us was still there and I could

feel the aura of our creator. The prime creator is gone?

I never expected him to be gone so soon. But I won't judge the decision of the prime creator. She had

done what she seems to be right. If Chandran had done something wrong, the lives in this solar system

would be at risk. But I wish it was some other way. Despite his evil intentions, I was used to be bearing

with him for several billion years. And it makes me sad.

'You don't have to worry. He will be given the job fit for him. I will be watching you all. Do your best!'

Her voice rang in my ears. I smiled and nodded with a bow. I felt our creator is coming towards us with

that white gas.

"Greeting, Creator. You seem to be gone for a long time. We missed you"

I spoke to her.

"Destiny wants me to be away to see what happens here without my guidance. But a lot had


She sighed and continued.

"Ok guys! Now, I want to introduce, Mathi, the Moon Goddess to you. She will take care of the Moons

in this solar system and maintain balance here. Don't worry. She was formed to be a moon. So her

qualities will be refreshing and cool. She had enough enlightenment about this solar system. But you

two should help her to start her from the start. Recommend more souls to serve her to build her realm."

She commanded us and the white gas took a form of a graceful young woman. Things are changing so

soon. The new Moon Goddess greeted us with joined palm and we returned our greetings.

"Conduct periodical meetings like old times and try to restore the earth back."

She advised us. And I could tell she was about to leave from the tone of conclusion.

"Creator! Would you please spend a few minutes with me…alone?"

I asked her. I felt her humming. I turned around to Aadhavan.

"Aadhavan, spend some time with her. I am going to my realm with Creator. We will have the meeting

later this afternoon."

I bid bye excitedly and closed my eyes to teleport to my realm. I felt her presence next to me. I lead her

to the pond in silence.

"This question has been nagging my brain for several years, Creator. I am a divine. Am I allowed to fall

in love?"

Her soft laughter reached my ears.

"I advised you once that your choices will lead you to certain consequences. But I already knew you

can't stay away from him. And about Maayan or Akhilan whatever you name his soul, he will never

leave you alone. He has his ties bound to your soul from the period when you had lived your first life.

He is a star that brightens your sky. And he will follow you like a comet to be with you. He will melt and

mould to be with you and make you crave for him.

The duties of the divine had never been complicated as the three in this solar system because this is

the first solar system to bear life after the first world. And your firstborn will be a very powerful soul.

That soul will mark the end of this solar system when the right time comes and he will live beyond the

time. If you intend to have other children, they will be born as immortal with certain special powers.

Don't over-think and live the life granted to you happily. I will leave now. Let's meet at the meeting."

She spoke in her ever calming soft tone. The part of our children warmed my heart as I had believed

that wasn't possible with Chandran's lie. I gave her a full bow in respect and she left.

With a broad smile, I entered the castle. A cry of familiar voice made me run inside but laughter broke

through me when I saw Mukilan's face shoved on the wall with his left hand twisted behind his back by


"You might be guest of our Goddess but I will not let your perverted vision think about me in a wrong

way. Don't you dare come near me! If you ever touch me without my permission, I swear to break your


She elbowed his calf muscle making him lose balance and shoved him hard on the ground. She dusted

her hand and looked at my direction and her angry expression changed like a deer caught in the

headlight. She quickly bowed at me and smiled sheepishly scratching her neck. I looked at the man at

her feet groaning in pain. He raised a bit and looked at me with relief and extended his hand to me.

"Moon! This woman is so brutal and rude. How are you managing her?"

Mukilan stood up with my support complaining about Aadhira.

"Don't say that name again in this realm!"

Aadhira gritted out.

"Hey! Aadhira, Calm down. I have been just like him until a few months before. You shouldn't judge him

without knowing him. Give my friend a chance. He is a good person. And many unexpected things had

happened over this night. You don't have to carry your hatred towards the non-existent person


They have been glaring at each other but stilled when I mentioned the last part.


Their unison shout made my eardrum pain.

"Arrange a throne meeting immediately. I have a huge announcement to make."

Aadhira nodded and left but I could tell she wants to know that sooner. She didn't expect this so


I walked to my room and found my man in deep slumber without the awareness of things happening

around him.

'He has his ties bound to your soul from the period when you had lived your first life. He is a star that

brightens your sky. And he will follow you like a comet to be with you. He will melt and mould to be with


Creator's words rang in my ear. A big grin appeared on my face. I crawled on the bed and sat next to

him. I stroked his hair softly. His lips curled up and leaned into my touch. I love it when he recognizes

me subconsciously. His smile widened when my fingers massaged his scalp. But suddenly his

expression turned into a frown and suddenly he sat up looking around the room. When his eyes found

mine, he launched towards me engulfing into a hug.

"Please tell you didn't go there without me."

His sleepy voice was filled with worry.

"I returned before a few minutes."

I held his hand and connected to his mind and shared the memory of the great event happened within

a few hours except the visit of our creator with me to the realm.

"Why did you do this to me? What if something happened to you? That bastard had created bright

creatures! If she hadn't killed him, I would have surely done it. Please, Cupcake… Don't risk your life

ever! I could not live without you."

"But that was what you always do! How did you expect me to live when you always run into the

clutches of death in the name of saving me? We are almost the same! I can't change that."

I replied to him. He frowned as I stated the truth. Silence filled between us.

"I am sorry. Now I know how you might have felt when I left you. I promise you. I will never leave you

again. Chandran might have gone. But I wanted you to not risk your life again. Please Cupcake. Listen

to me in this one matter."

He pleaded me with puppy eyes but his words were sincere. I pulled my hand away from him and

cleared my throat.

"Why are you talking as if we are couples? Didn't everything between us ended already? You should

return to earth. I have no obligation to protect you anymore. I have a meeting to attend. I don't want to

see you again!"

I spoke in a warning formal tone. He still didn't apologise for his biggest mistake yet. It was incorrigible.

Maybe I should do a demo for that too. Then it will hit him. But he knows that feel already while he

didn't realise he was Mirror soul of Maayan.


I turned around to walk away but his hand caught my wrist and he pulled me to crash on his chest. His

other hand quickly circled around me. I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Aadhira knocked and came in but froze on seeing us close. She quickly turned around with crimson


"Sorry, Goddess. I thought he was staying in another room."

"It's not what you think, Aadhira. Someone enjoys annoying me. Everything set for the gathering?"

I asked her trying to release myself from him.

"Uh! Yes, Goddess! People are waiting for you!"

She replied still facing the door.

"Leave me, Akhilan. Can't you see? My people are waiting."

I gritted out.

"Then end this game now. I am tired of this. I know you want me more than I want you. Then why this


He questioned me cockily.

"No! I have got enough from you. I don't need anyone anymore."

I replied slowly trying to pretend like I am sad. But he didn't fall for that as he tightened his grip around

my waist.

Aadhira cleared her throat reminding her presence. I pushed slightly on his chest but he stood there

unaffected. He sighed and spoke.

"Aadhira, can you please postpone the meeting to evening. If anyone asks why the meeting was

postponed, tell them that your Goddess was trying to get conceived."

His hand moved to my ass while his ruby eyes bore into my eyes. My body reacted on its own as his

words had a very serious impact on me.

Damn this luscious wizard!

I shoved him hard for real and walked quickly towards Aadhira pulling her wrist towards the Throne

hall. A loud laughter filled my ears melodiously from behind me. She was trying hard to hide her flushed

face but Mukilan appeared out of nowhere before we could reach the throne and displayed all his teeth

on seeing his mate blushing.

She quickly composed herself and glared at him. I mentally laughed as I could foresee their happy


Time to let my people know the big event happened that was going to change the path of the solar


[To be continued...]

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