A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 61 Chapter 58

Chapter 61 Chapter 58

Kavi's POV

The pair of cherry red eyes looked at me!

The same eyes I fell deeply in love with! As I looked deeper into his eyes, I realized indeed Akhilan and

Maayan are same.

My mind spun to see the person I thought I would never see. My knees gave out but a hand caught my

waist pulling me up to a warm body that was so familiar to me. My eyes never left his eyes. The similar

touch of him at different occasions passed before my vision – both past and present. I closed my eyes

to calm myself. My deep inhale only made me suffocate as his scent was suddenly unmasked and the

unique deliciously ripen scent of the man I love filled my lungs. I want to keep my wandering mind and

racing heart straight. But my body was already reacting to his touch.

I stood up straight and pushed him away. My eyes noticed the Aambal wand tucked safely in his front

pant pocket. My face contorted in anger. I let my darkness flare off my skin. Instead of fear or hurt, his

eyes shone in admiration making everything hard for me.


I warned him through my gritted teeth.

He tilted his head sideways with a smile and folded his hand across his chest. He shook his head 'no'.

"Don't test me, Akhilan! People won't be the same. Situation moulds them and forces them to change. I

am not the same love sicked 'Layla' or 'Kavi'. My goals and responsibility come first. I don't want

anything from you. If you interrupt my duty I won't hesitate to punish you as a Goddess should. You

asked me to leave. I granted your wish. I am not taking that back. SURYA! He should be gone before

dawn. This meeting will continue tomorrow after I announce our people about the return of our Kathir."

Flaring words came out of my mouth.

My wolf was so stunned to react. I walked past the man in my way. This is what should be done. I

blocked my mindlink and covered my soul with the darkness. He was such a crazy man who wouldn't

hesitate to stake his life for me again. I don't want to go through all these heartaches once again. It's

better if he stays away from me.

I sensed Surya following me. I went to my room and sat down on my bed. Surya sat down on his knees

and took my hands in his.

"A lot had happened, right! Akhilan wasn't normal after returning to the earth. He had gone through so

much pain from the bond severed. He had been telling people that you would come for him. We pitied

him when the days passed and there was no sign of your return. He started drowning himself in

alcohol. Alpha Sezhiyan and Alpha Dhayalan advised him a lot. But he never listened. His parents

were very much worried about his state.

He sensed you on earth when you came to Blood warriors pack. But you left before he could go there.

Moon God appeared knowing you had been on earth and poisoned Akhilan's mind telling that you must

have consummated the relationship with Maayan and lied to him about your changed scent. His

possessiveness, jealousy and territorial mind blinded his rational thinking. He loves you so much that

hurt him very much to know you are with another man.

Pooja was at his side all the time in the name of supporting him. But she is the one introduced him to

alcohol. He would be at pack house mostly. That day, Alpha Dhayalan scolded him for drinking too

much. He left to his home in anger. And you know what happened there!

Today I went to visit him. He was fully sober but his red eyes startled me as I initially thought he had

gone rogue. He was confused and panting in rage to comprehend things happening to him. Suddenly a

wand appeared on his hand and he fell on his knees clutching his heart. I was panicked and tried to

help him. Accidentally I touched the wand and in a flash, the memories from my past flooded my mind.

I sensed my mate coming to me as she must have felt some things happening to me. I recognized

Akhilan as Maayan. He let me in his mind showing his pain and what happened in past to make him

leave you. Also how he patiently waited all these years for you.

The respect I had for him increased and I agreed to go with him to our realm because we both knew

what state you would be in. My mate came there. Akhilan went to bring his parents and I picked up my

mom and mate. We drove to my friend's cult and I shared my past through mindlink to my mate. She

understood but as I expected, she asked for time. Akhilan did the same to his parents. They were so

confused but complied to Akhilan's words to stay there for a few days. My mom was oblivious of

everything. I dropped her telling my mate wants to spend time with her.

Your mom was in Blood warriors. After ensuring everyone's safety, Akhilan teleported us here. I

understand you are so broken from his actions. But he deserves a chance, Kavi. He did everything for

you. Think about it."

Surya told me everything before I ask. I sighed and held his hands burying my face in his palms. My

brain processed his words.

" Welcome back, my favourite and best warrior. But I need a break. Understand me! "

I said to him with an exhausted look. He sighed and nodded his head and left the room to catch up with

his sister.

I know I couldn't stay in the same place with him tonight. I snapped my finger and teleported to the

empty place where no planets were present and mingled with the darkness there.

My mind recollected the events happened in past. Mirror soul is a concept known commonly but as a

Myth in the earth. Also with the time flow, the words of spiritually experienced person had modified and

filtered and only exists like a fantasy notion. I clearly remember the incident when our creator told me

about the 'Mirror soul'

I was roaming around the solar system in my dark form once and felt her presence. I stopped and paid

my respect to her. She asked about purification progress and my duties. After speaking official things, I

asked her how she would manage all the solar systems spread across the universe.

She smiled and told me that she is not a single person and her Prime soul would be in the place where

she manages everything from and this version of the creator we see was a mirror soul of the Prime

creator. The mirrored soul will exist like a separate person. So she could function efficiently and each

Milky Way was allotted to separate mirrored soul. Also, she told that anyone could create a mirror soul

but the soul that was getting a duplicate should be a noble one. She explained to me:

'Unless the prime soul allows, the mirror soul wouldn't know anything about the existence of the Prime

soul and the duplicate would be clueless and live a life as an individual living being like other beings.

And if anything happens to the Prime soul, one of the mirror souls would become the Prime soul with

all its powers and memories.'

I heard a chuckle then. When I inquired about it, she spoke in a mischievous tone that

'I had sometimes created a mirror soul of some living being without their knowledge and it would turn

out to be very interesting in such situations. I would love to enjoy when the souls recognize their real

identity because the misunderstanding would have already complicated their life in an amusing way.

The essence is how they untangle the unwanted knots and tie the supreme thing. A few had only

untangled it. Most of them wouldn't even give the time nor have the patience to realize about the

mirrored soul.'

I didn't take big note about it but just remembered that and later wrote that in parchment and stored in

my library.

I wonder whether she already knows that she would be creating such a game in my life too while

explaining it to me. Anyway, she must be enjoying my despair by watching me from somewhere.

Maayan couldn't have created Akhilan. If he had, he wouldn't have fought with himself. I laughed a little

thinking about the encounters of Maayan and Akhilan. At least I managed to stop them from killing


As Surya explained, Akhilan's soul had turned Prime soul when Maayan's body disappeared. But he

got the wand only after I released the connection between my soul and Maayan's which made him

transform as Prime soul completely.

I feel like a stupid for being so oblivious despite the striking similarities between them. My heart always

beats for them, they both were so fond of their family, and they didn't let me run away from them. They

were interested in arts - Maayan loves to paint, Akhilan loves to draw. Aambal wand obeyed Akhilan's

command. And when I sought Jasmine's help to break our bond, the darkness guarded our connection.

Nature knew what I love and paired me to the right person. The mark had bruised because nature had

intended to pair me Maayan. But his mirror soul was destined instead. As they exist as separate souls,

my body rejected the mark.

The smile vanished and green envy painted my face. And they both have let some other woman touch

what is mine. Even after eliminating Chandran, I wasn't going to accept him so easily. He has to earn

his punishment for abandoning me every time – As Maayan twice and as Akhilan once. A devilish smirk

flashed on my face as I got the idea to punish him. Like a devil I am, gonna punish him.

I spent a few more hours on the space visiting the places I used to visit previously. When I know it

would be morning in my realm I teleported to my castle. I sent telepathy to Aadhira to arrange a Throne

meeting and to get the second level warriors and Surya, to continue our meeting interrupted yesterday.

I made my way towards my room. As I expected, my wrist was caught by a familiar hand and pulled me

towards him. I reflexively rotated my hand releasing away from his hold and pushed on his chest hard.

My wolf loves his touch but my mind was flashing the same way he pulled Pooja towards him. He stood

there unaffected and smiled at me. I could tell he likes this chase. But I am not going to fall as his prey.

I glared at him and turned another way.


My voice boomed across the hallway. The guards became tensed and Surya appeared before me in a

few seconds. He had his head bowed knowing what I was going to tell him. I just looked at Surya with

narrowed eyes. I know how persistent the man I love is. A part of my heart was warm that he didn't give

up on me. Still, I know what I should do.

"Sorry, Kavi. I owe him for bringing me here and making me remember my past. I can't take him to the

earth against his wish and I thought you would accept my request. It wasn't safe for him in the earth.

His eyes had turned red and his scent had changed too. I am not going to put him before Chandran.

Akhilan will be safe here. I will obey your order when we eliminate Chandran."

As much as I want to deny these things, a part of me was afraid that he would get into danger so easily

if he was on the earth. But if he chose to be close to me, the danger was more.

"He could use a cosmetic lens and take him to the place where Moon couldn't see him; like you left

your mate."

I said with a tight face. Surya frowned and looked at Akhilan who was smirking at me.

"I can save myself, Cupcake. And even if you drive me out, I will come back here again and again. I

have your mark."

I narrowed my eyes and then realized the mark that was created while we consummated might have

returned to our body after we gained our past life memories. I didn't notice it but why was it still there

when there wasn't any connection between us.

"I am not going anywhere!"

He inched closer to me with a challenging smirk. I glared at him hiding the chemical reaction happening

inside me. I made sure my mind and soul was shielded with darkness. He always read me like an open


I shrugged my shoulder and took a few steps sidewards closer to Surya.

"I don't want him anywhere near me. As you said, I am letting him stay here only for you. Keep him

away from me..."

I warned Surya but paused when he bit his lip hard to control his laughter. I glared at him.

'I know you can't stay away from him. Why is this fake anger? Just make up with him... You two have

been separated for so long. Live your life while you can. We don't know what future holds for us, Kavi'

Surya sent me telepathy as my mind link was blocked. I gave him a mean glare and walked away from

these annoying men. But my wolf totally agrees to Surya's advice.

I have just taken a few steps but I heard Akhilan speaking to Surya in an exhausted tone

"Damn! I heard people telling being in a relationship with an older woman would be tough as she would

show so much attitude and ego! Now I am experiencing it clearly. And for her age, the ego is so much

multiplied than other women!"

I halted in my steps.

Did he just call me an old woman?

I turned sharply and saw Surya's body silently shaking in laughter. I gave him a look of disbelief and

glared at the man insulted me. I walked slowly near him with a seductive smirk. He widened his eyes in

my sudden mood change. His eyes darkened in shade and he was taking long breaths. I stopped

before Surya.

"After meeting, I am going to earth to meet the handsome man stepped up as Alpha of Blood warriors.

If you want anything, come there, Surya. Then I gonna meet Aadhavan. Maybe I should give that man

a chance which he had been wanting. He wasn't so bad and he won't complain about my attitude and

ego either about my age. "

I whispered the last part more to myself while turning and stretching my hand above my head with a

groan flashing my cleavage towards the man flaring in rage at my words.

My wolf gave me a compliment for working up our mate. I smirked internally and walked to my room. I

had a relaxing hot bath and dressed up in a blood red off-shoulder mermaid gown with a deep V back

and used the same colour lipstick. It's time to torture the man who always leaves me. With all these

teasings, I gonna imprint what he always sacrificing even though it was done for my wellbeing. He

should never think about dying and remember what he would miss if he leaves. I smirked and walked

out of my room to the throne hall.

Time to show!

I let the darkness flare off me and walked to my throne with a straight face. Aadhira and Surya looked

at me with wide eyes as I always kept my dressing simple. I didn't look at the direction where Akhilan

was but his aura was radiating his hormones and possessiveness. My wolf loves this attention. The

darkness in me is also enjoying what I am doing.

I spoke to my people as Layla and announced Kathir's reincarnation as Surya. Keeping it simple and

asked them to be ready for whatever comes. My people's happiness about our return made me feel

refreshed. Then I teleported the second level warriors and twins to Meeting hall and intentionally left

Akhilan. I sent telepathy to the Guard to not let 'anyone' in.

My warriors suggested a few things which seem to be good ideas but it might take time. A few seconds

later I heard a loud growl and a thud. Then the door banged open revealing the annoyed man. I looked

at Surya with a raised eyebrow. He facepalmed and mouthed me 'sorry'.

"What are you thinking in your mind, Anjali? This is not time to fight. We all knew that we have to be

united to defeat that cunning man."

I laughed at his words knowing he will get angrier.

"You are teaching me about 'unity is strength'? Aren't you the same man left me without a second

thought; not once but thrice? You have nothing to do with the affairs of my realm. You have been my

lover in past life. We have nothing between us now. Don't you remember? Our bond is broken! I know

what I am doing and it would be better if you let me do my duties without any disturbance."

I answered him mockingly with anger.

His claws came out and his eyes started glowing gold. My wolf instantly started pushing me to get on

the surface. His aura took a sharp change from rage to love and lust. Uh-oh! I can handle angry

Akhilan but not his horny wolf. My wolf was purring to be let out to be with our mate. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Akhilan, get the fucking control back and leave. I have been discussing an important thing!"

I shouted to reach the Akhilan beneath his wolf.

"Shhh…! My beautiful mate, I know you are angry with us. But he got the point. We should work

together. I don't want to lose you again. "

I don't know where all my thoughts had gone when his wolf's husky sincere voice reached my ears. I

am redundant to let him in again but I can't refuse his wolf. I closed my eyes controlling his effect on

me. I used my power to bring a chair on the other side of the table for him. But he smiled shaking his

head and walked towards me. I know what he has in his mind. I stood up and raised my hand signalling

him to stop. His golden eyes glowed brightly but he went to take his seat.

I sighed and took a deep breath and looked at the ruby eyes of Akhilan who was having a thinking face.

"You are Goddess of darkness! Then why are you keeping the darkness bound within you? Let it out

and combine your powers with your wolf abilities… "

Akhilan said casually.

"It wasn't so easy. You don't know what my darkness is capable of. You are not here last time when my

darkness was unleashed. It has no mercy and the earth had turned the place of more sins. My

darkness might swallow every soul in the earth."

I explained to him to which he chuckled.

"Cupcake, I may not be here when your darkness was released last time. But I had enough knowledge

about your darkness to tell this. Did you forget I had carried your darkness all these years? Last time, it

broke the barriers itself to save you. That's why it was so aggressive and cautious. Your darkness is

very aggressive power though. Your heart had a void last time which made you have no control over

the darkness. You have kept it under your control till then. Trust me. You have to just release that 70

per cent powers out and make your wolf merge it with you with her powers. When your darkness is in

your control, it would gain more energy from celestial as the darkness is spread all over the solar


You have drawn power from the celestial before even getting Layla's memories when my life was in

danger. When you could control the darkness within you, the celestial darkness will automatically come

in your control. Your power will reflect in your people and facing Chandran would be just a piece of


I was silent processing his words as I could feel this is the right way to increase my powers.

"I think this will work, Goddess."

Aadhira told with a bright look on her face. Surya too nodded with a hopeful face.

"I need some time to think about it."

I concluded the meeting in the intention to do mediation to analyze the idea.

I reached my room and my mind conflicted whether I am overreacting towards Akhilan. I would have

done the same if I had been in his place. Then pushing him away is not fair. However, I can't accept

what he did that night with Pooja. If only I hadn't felt the burning sensation, I don't even want to imagine

what would have happened. I know that bitch had mixed sildenafil in his alcohol. I recognized that scent

only after coming back as my mind was not clear at his home. He had behaved just to make me feel

what he was going through but that drug had pushed him to be touchy with her.

And he had so easily given a solution to the problem I had been trying all these days. I didn't even give

thought to that as the memories of unleashed darkness in my past wasn't a good one. I smiled and

closed my eyes to teleport to the earth. It's time to meet council members. I can't let the differences in

divines to affect the lives relying on us.

[To be continued...]

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