A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 58 Chapter 55

Chapter 58 Chapter 55

Kavi's POV

"How did the people heal when they were wounded by bright ash liquid last time?"

Aadhira stared at me with wide eyes. I blinked and realized she was shocked to talk about past all of


"Aadhira, I got Layla's memory. Now tell me what happened last time when I teleported them here?"

My voice raised and she flinched and bowed her head down.

"We couldn't save them, Goddess. The people struggled to heal the wound but the venom had spread

eventually and one by one, they died. Their body and soul had disappeared into dust."

My heart skipped a beat to know my people had died. I was so irresponsible. So, Aadhira didn't know

the solution for this.

Why this has to happen to me?

I could understand I was Layla, the Goddess of darkness in my previous birth. But I killed myself not

wanting to live anymore. There is still a missing part in my story that why I was reborn. My creator can

only answer that. But I don't have time to that. I have to save Maayan. My Maayan!

I could feel all his pain and his never died hope to see me again. The past had enlightened his love for

me; also his innocence. We both were fallen for the trap set in the name 'Love'. Maybe that love is what

forced me to born again and brought us together. But why destiny was taking him away from me before Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

even I could embrace anything. Maayan knew that this was bright ashes still he consumed them to

bring my power and memories back.

Wait! A Yaazhi had given him the bright ashes. Yaazhi-s weren't existent in the earth. I could name only

one person who was so fond of creatures and has a huge sanctuary for them.

"Goddess, Sun God had been waiting outside our realm and he was demanding to meet you!"

A Guard informed me interrupting my thoughts.

Speak of the devil! The darkness flared outside my skin symbolizing my blood was boiling inside.

"Let him wait there!"

I commanded him.

I want to rip apart everyone deceived me in the past. My wolf might be silent but I have the same

aggression in me. But the faint heartbeat of the man in my hand was my first preference. I closed my

eyes and let my mind think of a solution.

Jasmine! (A witch)

She was good at making healing potions. She has her house at the border of Blood warriors and

Vijayan had set up a herbal tonics shop for her there. She was a good witch and she is the only person

I could trust. I freed myself from Maayan's hold promising him to come back soon. I teleported to her

house and found her playing with her son. She sensed some presence and turned sharply with the

wand in her hand.

"Calm down, Jas. I need your help now. I want you to come with me."

She looked confused to see me but she understood the emergency from my voice and nodded her


"Have you ever teleported?"

I questioned her urgently as I don't have time to wait until her awake.

"Yes. A few times…"

I didn't wait to complete the sentence and teleported instantly to my room along with her son.

"Don't ask me anything now, Jas. He had consumed two vials of bright ashes. His heartbeat was

getting low. Do something. I can't afford to lose him."

Her eyes widened at my panicked voice.

"Bright ash is the most powerful venom used to kill vampires!

It was very so rare venom. There was no antidote found to that. But I was taught to slow down its

effects. I need some quartz, clear coal and some medicinal herbs. Close the curtain of this room and

keep the room as dark as possible. Darkness always reduced the effects of the venom."

I used my powers to bring the thing she asked outside the room. She looked at them in wonder and I

let my darkness guard his room. I could see everything very clear in darkness and I know it wasn't my

wolf power.

"Ask anything you want and do anything to keep him alive. He is the most important person in my


Jasmine held my hand reassuringly and I could tell she understood who I am on seeing all these.

"You might be the one whom everyone fears of the evilness in your possession. But for me, you are a

great person who saved my son's life. I will do everything I could. Trust me."

She spoke calmly and went to the counter where the things she asked were.

I walked closer to Maayan and held his hand in mine and whispered him not to leave me. I hugged him

and laid next to him. Jasmine made a potion and made me feed him that. I could feel his heartbeat was

gaining strength but it wasn't completely normal and he was still unconscious.

I felt a presence behind me and Aadhira looked at me with conflicted emotion on her face.


I barked and felt frustrated at my behaviour. I should be very grateful to her for taking care of my realm

all these years. But here I am shouting at her. Still, she bowed her head and spoke to me.

"Sun God is still waiting for you, Goddess."

I frowned as I completely forgot about making him wait.

Why was he so persistent in meeting me? After all, he was the one who cursed my man thinking I

wouldn't come back and also he had sent a Yaazhi to poison him. I got up from the bed with a fury.

"Bring him to the Meeting chamber, Aadhira. Let's see what he wants with this weak-hearted woman


She nodded with a frown not understanding the meaning.

I turned towards Maayan. He was looking like he was in deep sleep but the pale face with the bags

under his eyes remind me of his state of sickness. I want to be with him. But I should see if I could get

the information of antidote from Aadhavan.

I teleported to Meeting Chamber and waited for him to come there. He dares to visit me after all the

cruel thing he had done to us. I closed my eyes to calm myself. The scent of flame reached my nostrils

and I opened my eyes to see the man who was in memory. He looked the same, unlike Chandran who

had silver hairs now. But Aadhavan eyes had a void. He was speaking to Aadhira with a smile who was

replying to him curtly. His face snapped towards my direction and his eyes lit up and tears pooled there.

My heart was instantly conflicted whether he was really Aadhavan, the Sun God who had been like a

stone back then.


He uttered my name with quivering lips. He was like a lost baby seeing his mother after a long time

which was doing something to my heart.


I corrected him.

He smiled and blinked his eyes letting the tears fall and a small flame lit up there but it went off within a

second. He approached me but I could sense the difference in his majestic walking stance. He looks

like he was tired – of what? I don't know yet!

"It's great to see you back. The name may change, but you can't deny the fact you are the Goddess of


He spoke with a big smile in the voice in which I recognized as the friendly tone that once I used to.

"I don't feel the same. You have no idea how much I am struggling to keep myself controlled from

ripping you into pieces. And I haven't denied the fact of my identity."

I replied to him freely expressing my hatred for him. He sucked in a deep breath but chuckled gracefully

when I said that 'ripping' part.

"Why did you send the Yaazhi? Haven't you done enough damage already? Maayan had been painfully

stuck inside a block of rock because of your curse. He didn't deserve such punishment… You haven't

stopped me before dying even after knowing Chandran's cruelty. I have been with you from the day one

you have formed here. I have been playful and pranked you for a few times. I thought we share a

wonderful friendship between us. But… you let Chandran break me."

The darkness within me was fuming with rage at the recollection of the past events.

"I can't do anything for the things I have done in the past. But I deeply regret everything I had done

and… I am so sorry, Layla. I was so blinded with the ego and the lies. I had believed you were

conceived with a baby which holds cruelty within it. Still, I shouldn't have let you kill yourself. And I had

the intuition you would come back. That's why I cursed him instead of fighting him. He was so powerful

with the dark powers and his anger would have destroyed this solar system within a blink. And I

thought he deserves a second chance to be with you.

Your absence and time taught me enough… The woman I fall in love with repelled me and started a life

with another male - lived and died happily. She had born thrice again and she never accepted me even

after knowing my power. It was like nature and destiny had cursed me like that. The pain of love

punished me for all the sins I have committed to you, Layla. I want you to forgive me."

I can't even decide whether to believe him or not. But my intuition was telling his words were true.

"I don't know whether to trust you or not, Aadhavan. I need time to think… I have just got my memories

back. But the man I love was in his death bed already. Where is the second chance here? You are the

reason why he was in that state now. Why? Do you know what to do to reverse the effects of bright

ashes? Help me get him back."

I asked him desperately. All I wanted is to see my Maayan come back to me. I have made him wait for

almost seven millennia.

"Layla, you should gain your power back because a part of 'you' was bound to Chandran – Your wolf.

He trickily made the race of werewolves to give the entire control over them to protect them in return.

Now he would hurt your wolf to weaken you. I shouldn't allow history to repeat. I don't find any other

way to transfer the powers back to you. That's why I sent my Yaazhi and Maayan knew what it was

when he touched it. He understood the importance of the problem and willed to sacrifice his life. I

always envy the love you two share. And he was proving every time his love by showing his care for


I felt the powers were getting transmitted to you and I am well aware that you wouldn't allow him to

consume the balance bright ashes. But there is nothing in our hand now. The bright ash is a thing came

here from outside the solar system. We can't find the antidote to it here. Let him consume that and get

your divine powers back. This solar system needs you. The people in this realm need you. That's why

nature had given birth to you again."

My head was aching to process everything. Was that the real reason for my re-birth?

"Our creator – she would know a solution to save Maayan. We should contact her."

I muttered to myself by stopped from running away when Aadhavan smiled sadly.

"She never came back. I don't know why."

He said sadly. I sucked in a deep breath.

"What do we do now?"

I breathed out helplessly.

"I wish I could help you with this. But I really don't know."

Aadhavan muttered lowly.

"Please think twice before doing anything. And remember you have your old friend who is waiting for

your forgiveness and would do anything for you."

He told me sincerely and left the place with a sigh after seeing me not acknowledging his words.

I let his words sink into me when walking back to my room. There should be some solution to reverse

the effects of bright ash. Every question has its answers. I should find my answer soon. The answer

holds the life of my beloved.


A week of research in the library and visits to various historical places and high tech space research

labs had taken me nowhere. Maayan didn't wake up. Jasmine was giving her potions to him to keep

him alive. I am desperate to meet those beautiful eyes of his but my yearning was just extending day

by day. It hurts to see him like this.

All of a sudden, I felt my wolf making her presence in me. She was in some panic. I tried to

comprehend her feeling and my mind understood that my pack was under attack. I sent telepathy to

Aadhira that I am visiting Earth and teleported to the front of my pack house.

I looked around and the scene made my wolf scratch at my inside to gain control. The heavy stench of

rotten meat and the blood mixed with wolfbane filled my nose. My people were struggling to fight with

the wolfbane in their system. The place was literally drenched in wolfbane and there should be

minimum 200 rogues here. Vijayan and Ashwin were trying to fight a group of rogues with their body

bleeding and Nakul was trying to send the people inside the pack house. Janani and Subha were also

fighting to save the children who were in the clutches of the rogues. I recognized the familiar tattoo on

everyone. I should have investigated more and wiped the Dark vipers completely.

I let out a loud growl drawing the attention of everyone there. My pack members breathed in a sigh of

relief but a few had a look of fear on their face. The rogues started fighting more ferociously upon my

arrival sensing the alpha vibes. I used my new powers to push all the rogues a few feet away from my

pack and created a shield of darkness over the pack house. I pressed my palm over the shield and

sent the healing energy inside the shield. A group of rogues ran toward the shield but stopped when

the first person turned into ash. I walked out of the shield and let out a warning growl.

"Go away before I behead every single person here. You have already made a great mistake by

touching my people. Run before I start my chase."

I warned them in a loud voice. They were silently looking at the face of each other then all of them

started laughing loudly.

"We were offered to become a direct servant of Moon if we kill the pack and bring the head of the Alpha

of this pack. How could we deny such an offer? You are the Alpha, right? Don't worry. We will make

your death quick."

A rogue announced proudly.

A collective gasp reached my ears when the innocent werewolves behind me learnt the true colour of

the person they have been worshipping all their life. I smiled brightly at the rogue challenged me.

These wolves didn't know about my identity yet. My divine powers weren't completely with me; else I

could make them submit. I wasn't in the mood to kill but I will do anything to save my people.

A bucket of wolfbane was poured on me all of sudden. My wolf panicked but the little power I got and

the darkness within me formed a shied reflecting the venom on the person threw it. He gasped and fell

to the ground coughing. They looked at each other again and marched towards me in unison with a

loud howl of determination. The swords and silver bullets have come in my direction which I dodged

with my wolf speed. It feels like an eternity since I fought. But I am so eager and ready to fight. I saw

Nakul and Ashwin coming my way to help me. But a warning glare from my blazing purple eyes made

them halt in their place.

The rogues formed circles around me and started fighting me with the well-practised simultaneous

moves. My tired wolf couldn't help me but the darkness within me can help. A force of darkness

covered my forearm turning into a dark forearm blade. I dipped to my knees blocking the attack aimed

for my head with my left hand and my right hand slashed the stomach of the first circle of people with a

rotation on my foot. They pulled back with a groan.

A sudden realization hit me. I am not just an Alpha wolf but a Goddess too. I should treat everyone

equally. These wolves were just misled souls by Chandran. Layla's memories and the darkness had

merged with me. But I haven't completely accepted myself as Layla. It might take time for that. I

combined my wolf power with my darkness and drained their energy. Everyone fell down unconscious.

I used my powers to teleport them to the Dungeon and ordered the healed warriors to chain them

down. I walked inside the shield. This shield would be required for my pack until I bring Chandran

down. He had already started the War.

My people looked at me with pride and gratitude. My wolf was contented that her pack wasn't affected.

Everyone was almost healed and a few warriors having bone misplacement were healing eventually.


I called for him loudly.

"Yes, Alpha."

He rushed to me and bowed his head. I smiled at him. I know I am doing the right thing.

"I, Kavithanjali, Alpha of Blood warriors pack declare you, Ashwin as the new Alpha of the pack and

Nakul will step up as Beta. The head warrior Bharathi will take the position of Third in command."

I announced and felt a thread of dominance leaving my body and entering Ashwin. He shifted into his

wolf instantly and his wolf howled in pain when his body shifted to an Alpha wolf. The same happened

to the others and they howled their gratitude once they had completed the transformation. All the

wolves shifted and they showed their submission to their new Alpha.

"I can't fuse my blood with you, Ashwin. It might affect you. But you have become an Alpha now. And I

trust you completely. Take care of the pack. I am leaving the shield active."

He gave me a determined look making me feel satisfied with my choice. I turned my attention to the


"I lived here for just a few months. But this pack is my home and I love you guys. I will not let any harm

to the pack. I want you people to stay inside the shield until I clear off the danger waiting outside for

you. The shield won't affect you but no one should go out. All the things you want will be given to you

by my people. Understand?"

They howled their agreement and I sighed with relief. But a tug at my heart and the sudden emergence

of my wolf made my body go still.

My mate... Akhilan is coming here!

[To be continued...]

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