A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 54 Chapter 51

Chapter 54 Chapter 51

Kavi's POV [Layla's POV]

*A month had passed*

"LAYLA! Are you even listening to me?"

Chandran yelled at me because this is the third time I am zoning out in our meeting.

I smiled at him unfazed and nodded my head with the same grin. He scoffed and stood up from his

seat. He shouted something at Aadhavan but my eyes were filled with the striking smile of the man who

was constantly in my mind interrupting my focus. Like the magnet disrupts the flow of iron. Aadhavan's

hand on my shoulder brought me back from my dream and I looked at him with the same grin. He

shook his head with a sigh and sat opposite to me.

"Layla! You can't be distracted. We are not like some leaders or kings. We are DIVINES! You should be

more attentive and responsible. I understand you have been so crazy about your love. But don't let that

be your weakness. As Chandran was saying, you should have first turned him immortal when he came

to you. But you were so lenient and see what you have done. Already your people have created a

strong race on the earth. Now you are the reason for turning Maayan into more powerful Wizard.

We can't predict the future. What if he turns against you? He could now bring catastrophe if he wants.

Also... "

"Hey, Aadhavan... Calm down! You have met him already. Can't you see the love in his eyes? He will

never do any harm to me. He was with me for a month and you know how much it changed me to

good. Why are you thinking like this? You should reduce spending time with negative minded people.

And I am not distracted. I know my duties and I won't compromise it for anyone. You know everything

was happening so smooth and well. I feel more energetic and doing my duties better than before with

his presence."

I laughed out his frustration. He calmed with a sigh and laughed a bit understanding my innuendo

about that dust ball.

"I heard people saying love is blind. But I don't want it to become a lesson for you. Just be careful."

I nodded my head and with a smile, I left his realm eagerly to see my sweet darling who was waiting for


Initially, Aadhavan and Chandran were so angry for making such a promise for a human. Also, they

didn't like the fact he skipped the purification. But I can't change the past and he is more important to

me than to think him as a just human. They couldn't find any flaw in him when I took him to Sun's

realm. Chandran was literally green with envy but my wizard managed to speak smooth and

surprisingly Chandran seemed calm after some conversation.

Sun knew him well as Maayan was Sun's blessing. But still, they weren't completely okay with what I

have done. Our creator didn't show up yet but life is going good. I took Maayan around the solar

system and let him experience the things I have given him as knowledge.

Sometimes Maayan would go to the purification pit and aid the designated purifiers. One day he spent

along with the guards and another with warriors. He reasoned that he needs to know everything about

the realm and the best way is to 'do things that people do' to understand the pros and cons. So he

could think from their view and could suggest to me if he thinks something needs to be changed.

His involvement impressed my people and earned him respect when he pointed out a few suggestions

to Aadhira. She was happy to get the company to share her duties. Maayan would help Aadhira in

running things and he helps people with his magical power. Aadhira sees him as her another brother

and they would join hands to tease Kathir sometimes. I would step in and team with Kathir to tease

them back.

Kathir seems happy nowadays. I don't think he was in a relationship. Maybe he had cleared his mind

knowing that there was no chance for a life to be with a human. There are many beautiful, strong and

kind women here. I hope he would get along with one of them and starts his life. I have seen many

women showing interest in him and flirting openly with him. But he never seemed to accept any of such


I teleported back to my realm and used my powers to locate my sweet darling. A smile adorned my

face by just thinking about him. I found him in the pond where he was meditating with his body

immersed ravishingly handsome. I teleported there and ran my fingers across the beautiful sculptures

my wizard had magically carved in limestone.

I snapped my finger and changed into a purple single piece and sat on the stair letting my knees sink in

the cold water to adjust my raising body temperature. I was admiring his every perfection of muscles!

The tattoo really looks good on him; the burning sensation on our back when we consummated was

actually due to my symbol of snake and cloud being imprinted on his skin by nature. I got to know that

any physical contact on either of us would be felt by both of us. So that tattoo appeared on my back


"You arrived sooner!"

His deep voice reached my ears and he was looking sideways at me with a dazzling smile on his lips.

His hair gracefully waved on the breeze.

How can this man become more handsome every time I see?

"Maybe one of the divines was so distracted by her lover and a certain dust ball might have stormed

out due to that!"

I said with a smirk. He turned around with a chuckle and plucked a big flower near him and walked

towards me extending it in my way with a big grin.

I was blushing already. He came near me and before giving the flowers he pulled me to his wet body

making me feel so hot and my flimsy dress was already drenched now. He flashed a knowing smirk

and bent down pressing his lips on mine. I feel my body giving up to his flaming desires and I inched

closer to kiss him. We pulled away despite wanting more and he smiled at me with so much adoration

flashing through his gorgeous eyes.

"I am so blessed to have you, Darling!"

I said truly. He smiled widely in reply and picked me up in his hands. I blushed expecting that he was

going to satisfy the flame of lust burning inside me.

"Always thinking about the bedroom! Your mind is turning dirty, cupcake. That was a very tempting idea

but I am taking you to my gallery before taking you the way you want me to."

He spoke with a fake strict note at the beginning making me go red in embarrassment for being so

wanton. But my mood brightened at the end of his sentence. He grew fond of painting us recently and

he was getting naughty with every canvas but some would be very lovely. Once I choked on my spit

when he showed me the painting of us making love with the raw expression of desire, love and

satisfaction painted in our face.

He picked me up and I laid my head on his shoulder. I heard him mutter something and my dress

changed into a dark green ankle-length gown. I smiled at his possessiveness and waited for him to go

to the gallery. Teleportation would help us to go there in a second but I love to be in his arms and his

warmth is my new home.

We entered the bright fruit-scented gallery and I locked the door with a wave of my hand. He put me

down and smirked at me before hungrily capturing my lips. He pulled away within a few seconds

chuckling at my frown for pulling away too soon. He slid his recent painting of us hugging sideways in

the garden and the portrait of us lying on the grassy land and gazing at stars came in my view.

We went to a mountain range yesterday and laid over the green paradise for gazing at the stars

listening to his heartbeat. He had beautifully depicted that scene on the portrait. He usually says that he

was saving our memories here as we are going to live for eternity and it would be good to look at these

past memories. I never cared for the future as I deeply trust no one can change destiny. But upon

meeting this man, I wish the future should prolong so that I could live more with him. The things my

body and soul make me feel at his closeness would never match with anything else. I hugged him and

complimented his painting by pulling him to a hot kiss and I need him now.


"Wow, that's marvellous!"

I awed at my man who was floating on the air gracefully with a proud smile on his lips and enormous

love displaying on his eyes. He just blasted a meteorite. It wasn't a normal one. It was huge and faster

one which was bigger enough to damage a good part of the Sun. Still, he managed to do this with the

help of his precious 'Aambal wand'.

The wand multiplied his powers tenfold and he was stronger than before in magic. I could still

remember the days when he cherished the wand


"Why shouldn't I touch that? That was just a piece of ivory!"

I stood with my hands folded and glaring at the man hiding that damn thing from me for the past three

weeks. He let out a dramatic gasp and covered his mouth while hiding the wooden chest behind his

back with the other hand.

"That's not a piece of ivory. It's the only remain of my 'Aambal'. And she loved me but I failed to save

her. So I took her tusk and made this wand to keep a part of her with me forever. I am not letting

anyone touch it because she was shy and usually hate strangers."

He reasoned like five years old about his elephant friend who he had been with from his childhood.

I sighed out shaking my head but I can't control my laughter. I inched closer to him and kissed his

forehead. He found the news after a week about the demise of his 'elephant-friend' and brought one of

her tusks and carved it into a wand. And that elephant used to visit him every fortnight at one place

where Maayan would bring seasonal fruits and cooked food for the elephant. He said that once the

elephant went wild during the forest fire but he managed to calm it down, in turn, saved many lives of

the people in living around his tribe.

Now he would caress that wand every morning and kiss it goodnight but never let anyone see it. I am

exceptional to see it but wasn't allowed to touch it. I would tease him by taking the chest while he was

away and blackmail him that I was going to touch the wand. His face would go sad and he would put on

the puppy eyes to give it back as he knew his magic wouldn't affect me. It was an adorable game to

play with my sweet darling. After getting that back carefully untouched, he would punish me on the bed

for teasing and testing him. That only increased my enthusiasm to play with that wand more. :D

^ End of the flashback^

And the beauty is, his previous wand would obey my commands when I teach him spells as the wand

wasn't dependant on Maayan. But he grew this wand like a living being and his love, positivity and care

made that lifeless thing get used to his vibes and he could only command that wand. And it doesn't

even obey my command. One side I am happy to see my man growing powerful but on the other hand,

it worries me that he was becoming a threat in the view of Sun and Moon by being powerful. And the

silence of Chandran was so strange and Aadhavan was behaving distantly in the past two Meetings.

Hope our creator would return soon. I miss her presence and we need our guidance.

*Three years later*

"What happened to her? Was she okay? Have this ever happened before?"

The blabbering kept increase which woke me up and I looked around the place in confusion. I

remember going to the meeting with Sun and Moon as usual who behaved 'not-so-good' as always. We

have been talking about the increasing evilness and arrogance of humans. Then I felt little dizzy and

couldn't remember anything happened after that.

I sat up and my body felt like hit by thousands of meteorite. I groaned and the blabbers stopped and I

felt the warmth of my love beside me.

"Damn, Layla! Are you okay? What the fuck happened to you? Don't you dare scare me like this..."

His loud voice increased my headache and I waved my hand muting his voice with a groan and

clutched my head.

He pulled me to his chest and from the vibration of his chest, I realized he didn't stop talking yet. I could

feel his restlessness and fear in his heart by the way his heart was thumping and he rubbed my sides

and stroked my hair. I don't have the strength to think what was happening to me but I could feel my

conscious was slipping again. I pulled away from his body and managed to give him a reassuring look

before passing out again.

I woke up to the chirping of birds and felt myself lying comfortably on the smooth warm bed. I rubbed

my cheek over the bed with a moan but I felt something tickling my skin. Then my bed started vibrating

beneath me and I peeled my eyes open in annoyance.

As soon as I blinked my eyes open, a hand roughly grabbed my chin and a pair of warm exotic lips was

pressed on mine. My heart warmed instantly and I responded to him instantly feeling and tasting the

love. I feel like we haven't been together for a while.

I propped up my elbow and he yelped making me realize I was literally using him as my bed. I smiled at This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

him dreamily and looked at his face admiring his morning face. I thought about why I couldn't

remember us making love last night and the events of yesterday flooded my mind. My sleepy eyes

cleared and I looked at him quizzically.

"You fainted yesterday and came to conscious within a few hours but passed out again. You have no

idea how much worried I am. Don't scare me like this again, Cupcake. My heart felt our connection

strong as ever and that's the only relief to me for the past 28 hours."

He spoke with a broken voice and a few tears rolled down his beardy cheek. I wiped them and cupped

his cheeks with both of my hands.

"Hey! Don't worry! Nothing will happen to me. I will live as long as the solar system exists. Even if any

apocalypse was going to happen, we all will be bidding bye together and our souls would be together

forever. I promise!"

I smiled at him but he frowned and turned his head away from my hold.

"Just because we call ourselves immortals doesn't mean we would live for infinite years. Every start

has its end. But remember I love you always and I knew you love me more than that. Your love is

unconditional unlike mine and I prefer my duties equally to you. But you left everything just to be with

me and no one had ever cared for me like you do."

I kissed his lips softly. He sighed and smiled at me with glossy ruby eyes.

"Love you, Cupcake. No one knows the reason why you fainted. Please tell me what happened? I even

spoke with Sun and Moon but they were just clueless as me."

He cupped my cheek rubbing it softly while speaking.

"I really don't know. I don't feel anything different in my body. I should explore myself about it. As you

said, I don't have any memory of fainting in my lifetime. It may be good or bad. We should be ready for

the same."

I told him honestly as I am confused myself about the incident.

He nodded his head and hugged me to his body tightly. I inhaled the ever-fabulous scent of my glorious

wizard and prayed to my creator to guide me through this phase of my life. I could sense that

something very big is waiting for me in my destiny. And that was going to affect the solar system and

the lives of people on the earth.

I used to predict if something big going to happen in the earth like how a few species had gone extinct

on earth to make it habitable for humans. And I feel the same vibes in my nerves and I know there is

nothing in my hands to do but I can only watch what the destiny plays.

[To be continued...]

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