Chapter 20

He was looking at me strangely, not with his usual smile but with a surprised face which made me ashamed.

“Why…why are you looking for a man to play such a sensitive role Becca? I’m surprise to hear you say those first sentences. What happened to the man you have being engaged to? I mean, is your parents not aware that you are engaged already or they just want something different? I don’t understand Becca.

I picked my word carefully as I try to reply him.

“Is a long story sir. You will not understand. That is the only help I needed but I will find a way out of my dilemma. You have being helpful enough by listening to me. I appreciate sir.

He looked away from me and did not say anything for some time. He did not force me to start explaining what I meant, he just went all quiet. I got so uncomfortable with his quietness and was ready to get down from the car and disappear into thin air with my shameless self.

“I will help you Becca but…if you are sure that no man will come to harass me after or during the whole act. I hate drama and I try as much as possible to stay away from relationships drama. I will do whatever that will make you happy Becca, anything that will bring smile back to your face. Trust me…I’m not like all the bunch of people who betrayed you in the past. Tell me how many days we will be spending? The time we will be leaving? What does your parents likes so that I can do small shopping for them. Tell me what you like too. Give me details of how your parents will want their supposed son inlaw to act or behave and I will try and do exactly that. And you have to be precise about the days so that I will know how to reschedule any appointment. I’m not asking you to pay me with anything yet…you cannot even pay me if I ask for money. I can’t take you to bed as another means of payment just because I decide to do you a little favor. no, I’m not that kind of man. I once told you I’m a straight forward person and don’t like beating around the bush. If I wasn’t going to help, I would have said so clearly. If I wanted something from you I would have also make that known. my main payment is to see you smile. And basically, I will be doing this as your true friend. Start seeing me as one. My name is not “sir”. My real name is Ohio Jacobs. And I will give you more details in case they ask you about my background. And you will also tell me things I need to know about your family so that I will be prepared for whatever is ahead. By the way you look 20years to me not 29 or 30. You are beautiful and young. You are smart and I know you have a cheerful heart. Don’t let anybody make you feel inferior about yourself Becca. You can be 30 or 40 or even 60years old and it will not matter to those who truly care about you. Love can find you at any point and at any age. You need to start living your best life without any apology to others who feels you are either too old to laugh or too old to drive your first car, too old to get married or have your first child. Do not pay attention to people who feel you are too old to even complain over anything. Don’t let them get to you Becca. Your heart is pure and you deserves to be happy. I will help you in any way you want to be helped but you must be open to me and keep no secret. Alright? Please smile for me, I love to watch you smile. Give me your usual smile before we start executing our plans. You can count on me….

I was dumb founded, I couldn’t believe that Ohio agreed to help me.

I smile and even began to laugh at same time.

I felt like hugging him to show how grateful I am but I held but myself from doing that.

he was smiling too as he watch me laugh.

I wanted to jump and dance happily immediately he agreed to help me and I saw that he meant every word he just said.

Finally, I got a man who will play the game of convincing my parents. and he is doing it without payment of any kind.

I thought I will be disgraced if I failed to provide a man. It was one of my new developed trouble, it worries me day and night on how to go about it but surprisingly, help just located me.

It made me very happy and I can’t wait to proceed with Ohio to pay my parent’s a visit.

It was on a Thursday that we went for shopping. I did not want him to start spending so much for my parents or me but Mr Ohio insisted. I went with him as we picked things for my Mom, myself and even for Melinda my sister after I told him I have a younger sister who is also engaged and getting married soon.

This time around, I wore the engagement and pretend for that moment to be engaged to Ohio.

I wish it was not all a mere act but reality, I will be asking for too much and he is too good to be true.

I was more grateful that he agreed to help me do this, I promise him that I won’t take it for granted.

We agreed to go on Friday afternoon, I don’t want him to miss any appointment at all because of me that was why we planned towards the weekend.

And my parents have already started making enough room for me and my fake fiancé immediately they heard that we were coming.

I and my Mom and also Melinda things were easy to get. But my Dad is very selective about things, I let Ohio to know that.

Ohio said he shared few personality with my Dad, and was already liking the old man even though he is yet to meet him.

He took me to the men’s boutique to get my Dad’s wear.

I was filled with smile as I walk beside my fine fake fiancé, Ohio was very humble and looks different from the office man in shirt and tie. He appear nice and simple and still smell so good.

I wish I can bury myself in his arm just to inhale his body saint.

I manage to control my happiness as we walk side by side while talking like old friends and shopping for my Dad. I was filling him in about my strict and funny parents, he was smiling all through.

Ohio makes me feel so comfortable with myself. I do not have to pretend to be another person whenever I’m with Ohio.

I just show my real character of a happy girl that I used to be.

As much as everything was exciting I did not want to forget that Ohio is just there temporary. I hired him without payment to help me accomplish a mission. I don’t have to get too attached to him or I will be left broken and in tears when the job I hired him to do is over.

I tried to guide my emotion towards him and kept reminding myself that my heart must not get involve and I must try and keep my emotions in check.

As we were going round, I was more focused with the task we got and with Ohio and did not notice there was another man behind me.

It was until he mentioned my name that I turned in shock, wondering who knows me in this big men boutique that I have never stepped foot before until today.

As I turned, my heart double beat, I was shock to see Richard.

He has few pack of boat tie in his hand which I guess he wants to use for his wedding or whatever I don’t care to know.

“Becca… wow! I wasn’t sure you are the one when I saw you from afar. I decided to get close and is truly you. How are you doing?

I swallowed hard as I looked at him, he has a deep cut on his fore head which was still fresh. The wound looks swollen too. I guess he just removed the plaster from it because I can see the sign and a little cotton wool sticking to it.

Ohio excused us and stroll down to another side of the shelf as he continued checking for things to pick.

I wished Ohio stayed but the way he gently walked to another side and continued checking out things made me understand that he was excusing from us or from any sort of drama.

Richard stood there staring down at me as if he was seeing me for the first time.

I started thanking God inwardly that I was looking my best that day.

I took my time to arrange my hair, do my makeup and also select my wears which Ohio commend me with a thumb up when I first appeared. He did not say more than that and I guess he was impress with my appearance but trying to keep things professional.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

He steals looks at me while we drove down, when we stopped at the traffic light. I caught him staring at me through the car rear-view mirror.

He chuckled when I blushed and looked away.

“You are beautiful Becca and your dress is lovely too!

I heard butterfly in my stomach when he said that, I managed to mutter a quiet thank you to him. I wish I can also describe how handsome and smashing he looks but I’m too shy to say that and I want to focus with the plan at hand and not go off with the way I was already feeling for him

So, with Ohio previously confirming how I looked, it gave me more confidence as I face Richard. I did not say a word to him, I had a lot of thing to say but is better not said.

“Becca, you look beautiful and I can see that you have gotten another replacement for yourself. You finally got engaged…that’s interesting. Is that the same boss friend you once cheated on me with or is another? Ooh, I’m sorry…I was only kidding. Becca, I know how you must have felt when I left you but I thought I was going for the best and right now I don’t even know any more. Sometimes I doubt if I’m sure of what I’m really doing. But all the same, the woman in my life is all fun and very soon we will be saying I do to each other. I must confess that I miss you. What you had for me was real and I miss a lot of things about us. I guess you do too…if you are truthful to yourself. I know you probably hate me for what I did to you but I wish you can understand that i….

I smile and before he could say any other thing I quickly interrupted.

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