0 Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart

Chapter 29: 7 degree Celsius

Chapter 29: 7 degree Celsius

Diary part 2

I never thought I would meet him again but our destiny had different plans.

I was again placed in front of him with head hung down

Not daring to look into his eyes and focussing on his perfectly shining shoes instead.

I was ashamed of myself.

Ashamed of being so damn ignorant and lost while crossing the road.

Ashamed of my own situation that made me stand here lost at the centre of the road waiting for death

without even knowing it.

If he hadn't been the one driving the car I was sure any other person must have ran over me .

I expected him to yell at me

Scold me for being so careless

But he didn't say a word except asked me if I was alright.

I gave my answer with a nod and after that there was silence.

I could feel his deep state at me but I couldn't dare to look up.

Next I know he pulled my arm and dragged me to his passenger seat.

Before I could protest he had placed the seatbelt on me and settled himself on the driver's seat.

He sighed a long sigh and started

"Miss Brown do you even realise you could have died?

I know I am no one to judge your problems but no problem can be so big that you forget that you are

standing on a goddam highway!"

His voice rose a pitch higher till the end and that was enough to release the sob I was trying to control.

I was a mess...I was still shocked of the consequences if he hadn't pressed his brakes.

He ran his hand through his hair frustrated at seeing me cry

"See Tosoro if you have a problem I can help you with it..let me know...please don't cry...I am sorry if I

sounded rude"

Oh man how wrong he was

I was not crying because he spoke harshly but because it was the first time someone scolded me for

my own good.

Someone who sounded genuinely worried for someone like me.

He refused to look at me and instead his gaze was transfixed on something outside the window.

He patiently waited for me to calm down.

Finally when I was done he politely asked me

"Are you fine?"

I nodded again

"I...am....sorry.....you must....be going....somewhere...I wasted...so much of your time...I must

go....sorry and thank...you..."

I proceeded to open the door when his hand held my arm stopping me.

"I didn't asked you to leave Tosoro...now sit back and let's do some adult talk....stop acting like a

Bambino ragazza"

What was Bambino I thought but I decided to ignore it...

Closing the door I decided to turn to look at him in the eye for the first time .

"Okay so why were you in the middle of the road at this hour?"

".. actually...I.....was...lost.....yes I lost....my way........so I was confused.....deciding...debating.....where

to go......"

He sighed and a small smile escaped his lips

"Do you take me to be a fool Tosoro....I wouldn't have build empires if I couldn't see through people's


"No....No Sir....I.... didn't mean to lie....I just don't want to trouble you ...."

"Lies trouble me more Tosoro..."

"I...am sorry Sir....I am really sorry I didn't knew you would find out...actually I couldn't pay my rent so

the landlord threw me out...she burned all my stuff and called the police...I don't know what to do......so

I was crossing the road absent minded..."

He didn't say anything...just started the ignition and started driving.

15 minutes passed and I couldn't gather enough courage to ask where he was taking me.

Finally the car stopped in front of two huge doors with AR engraved on them.

"Sir ...where are we...?" Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

"la tua nuova casa Tosoro.."

I passed him a confused look and he smiled

"You will stay with me Tosoro...I can't afford to leave a damsel in distress...now can I?"

My mouth opened in shock

"No.!! No Sir...how can I ....I am sorry but I-"

The doors of the car opened and he was already out of the car making his way towards the mansion.

I hurriedly followed him towards his house...or should I say castle.

So diary today was our second meet and this was how it all started.

I don't know for how long I will stay here but one thing was for sure....

My heart betrays me when I am around him.

He is definitely a heart stealer and I won't let him steal the only thing I have.

After all what's the use when I would never be able to steal his but give everything of mine in return.


I remember that day like yesterday.

Seeing her lost in the middle of the road made me protect her at all cost.

I generally minded my own business but I don't know why her business felt like mine..

Why her worries worried me..

I wanted her safe...safe from this world ...safe from her own stupid self and maybe that's why I couldn't

leave her that day.

I took her to my place and slowly her presence became the necessity of my sanity.

She showed me how beautiful this world is and how addicting love can be


Few entries later.....


I don't know if I will ever be able to thank Andro...but no one has ever done so much for me..

I don't know how to return it...

His debt is overweighing now and I can't be content knowing I can't do anything for him.

I need to do something....

So I decided to make his favourite baked vegetables

And I finally made it....even though I cut my fingers once or twice and the onions made me cry ...but still

I made it.

He was seated on the table and I served him with my dish.

He looked as excited as I was

As soon as he took the first bite his lips curved up in a smile and I jumped with happiness.

But the bad part was that he didn't let me take even a single bite of my own dish.

He finished it all while I stared at his face.

But soon I found the reason behind it.

While cleaning the kitchen I found s bite left in the pan and when I tasted it.....

I spit it out immediately and coughed continuously

The vegetables were so hard that I couldn't even chew them and it was spicy as hell..

How could he eat something like this without complaining and instead with a smile on his face.

Today diary I found out that not all people are bad in this world.

Not all people are money minded.

Few in a million like Andro still exist and they are the ones who god trusts the most.

I faced him ...yes I did that night .. accusing him of not complaining.

But his reply left me dumbfounded.

"A tasty dish has two ingredients...love and effort and your dish was flooded with them..."

It is becoming very difficult to not fall for his addicting personality...angelic words and beautiful face


I don't know for how long but I know this today...

Eventually I will fall

Fall hard for him and I really don't know if he will be there to catch me .


Oh Saph I was always there to catch you...if only you trusted me and didn't betray me with that Fu****


Suddenly remembering him again my blood boiled in hate.

The way his hands were placed on her porcelain skin ...the way she was looking at him in those

pictures burned a fire of jealousy in me.

Which was so disastrous that it not only destroyed her but also managed to engulf that sweet caring

Andro in it's flames to bring everything down to ashes.

I know I didn't let her explain back then...but weren’t those pictures enough

Did I had to hear it from her lips that she loved that bas****.

But her diary is showing me things in different light.

She did had feelings for me...I don't know if I can call them Love right now...but she reciprocated my

feelings and I was more than happy to know about it.

My patience was at it's brink dying to know that if she shared my feelings why she betrayed me.

I wanted to reach that page...but how could I skip the date of our first kiss.


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